Chapter Twenty Seven

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"I can't believe that woman is your mother! Even after everything she did, she's not feeling guilty and she didn't even tell your dad!" I shouted as I barged into the house as Haru held a sleeping Takato.

"Honey just calm down." Haru said as he dropped Takato on the couch before walking up to me as I drank a cup of water.

"I was willing to forget everything but she has crossed the line! I should have taken her food and stuck it down her expensive pipe hole she make sounds with." I said as I dropped the glass cup on the table and paused when I heard Haru laugh.

"What's so funny?" I asked and then he backed me to the kitchen counter and caged me in his arms.

"It's just so nice to see this feisty side of you. I missed it so much. Ever since I met you again, you've been so docile that I made a vow to bring this side out again." He said making me blush as I averted my eyes from his hypnotising orbs.

"'s not like I'm docile or anything, I just feel uhm shy when it comes to you." I whispered feeling embarrassed as I bit my lips.

"Yuki." I turned my head to face Haru and my lips were attacked before I could even get a glimpse of him.

I wrapped my arms around his neck, bringing my lips closer to his as I tried to match up with his kiss.

I felt as he placed his hands on my ass and lifted me up.

He placed me on the counter and then he started to kiss me down to the crook of my neck as I mewled while running my hand through his hair and pulling him closer.

He unbuttoned my shirt but I stopped him when my eyes trained on Takato's sleeping body.

He pulled back and looked at me before kissing my lips.

"What's wrong?" He asked as I tilted my head towards Takato.

"I'll tuck him and you be naked by the time I'm back." He said and I felt my cock twitch in excitement as Haru pecked my lips one last time and walked to where Takato was sleeping.

He carried him to his room upstairs before I climbed down and walked up to our bedroom, smiling at how Haru decided to end my day.

I was naked on the bed, laying on my stomach, lying legs perpendicular and swinging in the air as I read a magazine when Haru stepped in.

He sat on the bed as he rubbed my ass, his finger tracing a line on my body as I softly moaned in pleasure.

I looked at him as he took off his clothes, leaving on his briefs and he pinned my legs down.

"Hands on the bed and eyes forward." He demanded and he was so hot when he said that as I did what he said.

I felt him straddling me before I felt him grinding his clothed dick against my ass.

I gasped as I moved my ass against him hoping that he would take off those briefs so I could feel his skin against mine.

As if reading my thoughts, he got off me and pulled off his briefs and laid on the bed.

"Let's suck each other off." He said and I knew what he meant as I climbed on top of him.

I turned around, giving him my ass as my mouth faced his tasty, big cock and stroked it slowly as he groaned.

I stroked him cock softly as he rubbed and played with my asscheek, touching it and massaging it before he inserted his finger inside my wet hole making me moan as he added his tongue and two more fingers.

I opened my mouth, drooling on his cock as my strokes became sloppy before I took Haru's dick in my mouth, hearing him groan and curse excitedly as I licked him down to the base, my hand playing with his base.

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