Chapter Thirty Six

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I woke up to the smell of warm soup. Ayami sat by my side before she helped me sit up and dropped the food in front of me.

"Eat that and take your medicine. Hurry up we're moving." She said and I nodded, doing what she instructed.

"What is going on?" I asked after taking my vitamins before she lit her cigarette and smoked.

"We're wiping the building clean and moving to another country." She said before puffing off as I jolted.

"Where are we going?"


I couldn't go to Singapore, my family was here in Japan.

I needed to find the chance to escape because if what Claire had told me when she was alive was true, they would be shipping me like a merchandise tonight.

I played with my fingers while being led to a new room.

I was locked in as usual but this time I was locked with the last person I wanted to see him.

The masked man sat on the chair, resting his hands on the table that had a lot of dishes presented on it.

He pointed at the chair opposite him and I hesitantly obeyed him before he took off his mask.

"Well since this will be your last time in Japan, how about eating Japanese food till your satisfaction." He said as he picked up his chopsticks as I glared at him.

"What's your name? Your real name?" I asked as he took a bite of tempura. He dropped his chopsticks and his green eyes met mine.

"If you eat then I will answer all your questions. The moment you stop, I will stop my answers."

"How am I sure you'll keep your word?"

"Because you're Yuki. My only living weakness." He explained before I sighed.

I picked up the chopsticks and went for the fried fish first.

"It is Nakamura. Nakamura Ray Yamada."

"Nakamura? That's a nice name for a monster." I whispered as I clenched my chopsticks tight.

"Why are you doing this? Why did you kidnap me?" I demanded as I stood up, my hand hugging my stomach protectively.

Nakamura kept quiet as he started to reason, his eyes giving me glances every once in awhile before he sighed.

"I'm doing this because I like this and it is my source of livelihood. Why I kidnapped you? There are two reasons."

"Which are?"

"Firstly, someone complained to me that they wanted you out of the picture."


"Your dear mother-in-law. But she regretted her actions the moment she found out your pregnant but I can't give you back." He said and my eyes widened in shock before I sat down on my chair.

"What's the second reason?" I asked as I clenched my shirt tightly.

"Because Haru took everything that was meant for me." He responded making my eyes widened. "How about I tell you a story on who I really am."

I was successfully discharged from the hospital but I couldn't go home because my mom had pleaded to see me and my dad.

Of course my father refused but she begged me to come and I guess I gave in.

I entered my childhood home which felt like a desert compared to the last time I came here with Yuki.

I entered the living room where I saw my mom sitting in a rocking chair as she knitted a scarf.

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