Chapter Fourteen

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It had been a week since I last seen Haru and to be honest, I was missing him.

He hardly visited and Takato always asked when his dad was going to visit and I would always end up giving him false hope.

I called Haru but he had to go to Europe for business trip.

I sighed because thinking about it made me more upset before I got back to making fresh bread.

"Uhm Chief, you have a guest." Kaede said as she took in the next order.

I removed my apron and hair net before running outside in hope that it was Haru but then my smile fell when I saw who it was.

"Shino, Hinata?" I said as my expression changed slightly.

"Yo, little brother." Shino said before he carried me up like a little kid, pissing me off.

"I thought you were in the States?" I asked before he placed me down and then touched my cheeks.

"So I can't come home and visit the love of my life and his little bundle of joy?" He asked with a hurtful expression before I shook my head.

"No, Takato will be excited to see you. He won't let you rest when he gets back from school." I said making his face to brighten before he took off his glasses.

Hinata and Shino are twins. Alpha twins. Even though they looked alike, they were seven years older than me.

They both had black hair and black eyes, unlike me who had foreigners features.

Hinata has always been the kind, calm and calculative then Shino was stubborn, doting and overprotective. They were so similar yet so different and they understood each other more than they understood themselves.

Shino was a famous actor that was called every girl's dream boyfriend. He was handsome no doubt but the last time he came visiting, he caused this café to have a lunch rush even though I needed the money.

Hinata was a tourist guide so she had to be traveling around the world every month because she gets paid just to boost awareness of a country, city or place.

She really had an awesome life and her boyfriend was an average salary civil servant, an omega who she loved with all her heart and he as well. She also was the one I got to see more often in the family since Shino wasn't allowed in the public much.

"Let's go inside." I said before they both nodded and followed me upstairs.

Immediately I shut the door, Shino kissed my lips making me to gasp before he inserted his tongue into my mouth.

I pushed him but he wasn't pulling away before I punched his gut as I cleaned my mouth.

"Hinata tell Shino to stop kissing me." I complained with my cheeks flustered while Shino held his stomach.

"But I haven't kissed you too." She said with her soft voice that all these expressionless lolis usually have.

"Okay just don't do it like Shino." I said before she nodded and then she kissed my forehead before my cheeks.

This was a tradition my siblings have been doing for as long as I can remember.

My mom said that Shino had started it because he thought I was so cute when I had taken my first steps as a baby.

It was also funny because my first words was his name since we spent a lot of time together.

It wasn't long before Shino was out of his charming look into a more lazy and casual wear with his hair slightly disheveled.

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