Chapter Seventeen

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"Haru you have to eat, please just stop drinking." Asami begged me on her knees as I kept on downing shot after shot of whiskey.

This was the third night I was drinking and I haven't been in my house, just lingering in a bar close to Yuki's café.

"Are you happy?! I'm finally not going to leave you anymore so you can leave me alone!" I shouted as I pushed her away.

She fell on her butt, watching me as I wallowed in self hate before she stood up and left.

It hadn't been long she left, Akio came over and sat beside me before ordering a cocktail and some water.

"Enough with the drinking, give me that!" Akio commanded as he collected my drink, placing the bottle of water which I reluctantly drank.

"So I heard from Rin the bad news, mind explaining what happened?" Akio asked as he took a drink from his cocktail.

My eyes studied him before trailing down to a marriage ring on his finger.

"Oh...don't worry I'm not married yet. I bought matching rings for me and Nori so that we would look like a couple, apparently his pregnant with my kid and planned on running away." He explained before I sighed on how similar our love life was except his approach was consensual and he had a way of tying down his love.

I really envied Akio when he was young. Always fighting for what he believed in even if no one supported him that was why he was a rebel to his parent because he had a mind of his, was too carefree and acted average.

Trauma of growing with an abusive woman he thought was his mother till he was seven.

"Yuki left me. He doesn't love me anymore, he said that he doesn't want me anymore. I love him so much that I feel like I have nothing to live for." I explained, looking dazed at the ceiling as tears spilled from my eyes before I covered my face with one hand to hide my shame.

Akio was quiet as I explained how much fun I enjoyed with my time with Yuki and Takato, Asami's pregnancy, my trip to clear my head, the night I caught another alpha placing his lips on my Yuki and how Yuki reacted.

"You have it tough and I'm no expert on relationships but..." Akio paused, facing me as he gave a serious expression.

"I never expected you to be this stupid. Do you think Yuki is the kind of person that will leave someone that he poured his heart to? All that time you've been together, has Yuki ever fallen out of love with you? Why would he forgive you and fall in love with you if he didn't love you."

"But he said..."

"He doesn't love you? Then why is he letting you see Takato? Ask yourself that. If I wanted to cut all ties with someone, I'd never let them see my kid, they can communicate on the phone and video chat." Akio explained as he leaned on the counter, ignoring the noise from the people in the bar.

"What do I do then?" I asked resulting in Akio giving me a hard punch on the face.

"Be in control of your life. Decide if you want to Asami or Yuki as your partner. Whoever you decide, make sure you don't regret it and court the person properly." Akio advised and stood up before patting the counter. "Well I have a pregnant mate to take of, have fun in your family drama."

"I hate you sometimes." I said before he laughed and patted my shoulder before leaving.

Akio was right.

I was an adult in control of my life and instead of crying and whining about my problems like a drunk, I should be deciding what I needed to do.

Who I wanted to spend the rest of my life with.

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