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Eight years later...

"Aizawa-senpai uhm...I like you and I would like to be your girlfriend." A cute loli in my class confessed as she handed me her letter.

I collected the letter from her but I placed the letter back in her hand with a smile.

"I'm sorry. You're really cute and all but I have someone I'm bonded with and that person would cut off my balls if I even thought of another cute girl like you. Please don't feel bad it because out there, someone likes you." I said kindly, my deep voice making the girl to blush as she mindlessly nodded.

Being a second year high school student was hard especially since I had a knack for getting in trouble.

I was popular for just being the weirdest alpha that studied alongside with the betas and omegas but I had a reason.

I needed to be close to my boyfriend and marked mate.

I walked to the library where I saw Kairi studying really hard for our test.

He wasn't the brightest so he studied really hard and never skipped class so that he could make up for it.

I sat opposite him as I admired how cute he looked in those glasses he started wearing in middle school.

He could see perfectly fine without he, he just couldn't read without it but I loved when he wore it. Looking like a cute nerdy neko.

That reminds me, I better order for that so that we can use it when next we have sex.

Kairi started to blush when our eyes met as I gave him a cocky smile.

I had dabs on Kairi the first time I met him and he accepted my feelings for him when I asked him out on a date which lead to our first kiss and then things hit off well.

The reason I marked him in third year of middle school was because his heat had started in class and his suppressants weren't strong enough.

He was almost molested in school so to end the chase, he asked me to bite him.

There was a lot of arguments before I agreed and marked him there.

My dad wasn't so happy about it for some reasons I knew but just chose to ignore as we have moved on but my mom was very excited that he said the moment we graduate, we would have a wedding which made Kairi very excited.

Kairi's dad was mad at me and didn't let me speak to Kairi for a month but then he surrendered because he was a sucker for my kitten.

So that's why he lives in my house as my mate.

"Class starts in ten minutes." I said as Kairi clumsily packed his books and then stood up.

I stood by him, standing a few inches tall over him. I was six foot and still growing while Kairi was five feet five and probably that was his height for the end of puberty that is if his not one of those tall growing omegas.

Kairi's honey brown hair grew to the nape of his neck as his bangs covered his forehead. He was more feminine than my mother, his hips curvy with a slender stomach, his voice so soft and gentle that it was like a lullaby and it pulled you in.

His eyes rich in love and purity that you would doubt he has ever laid with a man and he was mine.

He was much more gentle and kind than my mom but his only flaws to me were his naive and innocent nature that would put him in danger one day if I'm not alert but I love him for that. He wasn't weak or dependent on me.

"How was the test?" I asked as he smiled at me and nodded.

"I'm sure I'll do well this time on the midterms. If I keep this up, I can enter join you in the first twenty." He responded and I smiled as I patted his hair loving how soft it felt.

I was ranked number one in the school even if I didn't attend classes.

Kairi was twenty three out of a four hundred students in the second year and he was working hard to make it to the top twenty because I would grant a wish of his of he did.

"Let's go home, mom won't be home because he and dad are traveling again. Mika is also coming to stay for the weekend. So it's just you, me, Mitsuko and Mika." I informed him as Kairi nodded before we took the bus home.

Mika was in his second year of middle school. He was my favorite cousin but he was extremely shy around strangers.

He was an omega and my alpha baby sister has a huge crush on him even though I knew Mika doesn't have interest in girls.

I saw my sister who was watching a documentary on a detective movie. I always wondered why she was so different.

She had friends but said they were a waste of time as she preferred to read books, watch TV and carefully selected cartoons while she listened to classical music.

She has always been different since she was born and was working hard to be a good CIA agent.

"I made you guys a well balanced meal. Mom and dad won't be home till noon tomorrow. Mika will be here in twelve minutes and aunt Hinata, uncle Tetsuya and Sakura will drop by to check if we're okay. Also no reproductive activities before dinner as its not fantastic to work on an empty stomach." She reported and we both nodded as we entered our room with flushed cheeks.

Yep very different.

Sakura was my little cousin from aunt Hinata. She was just a year younger than Mistuko and a beta.

Sakura always tries to be cool for Mitsuko to notice her but she doesn't realize Mitsuko realizes her actions but just can't communicate properly with her as she lacks the emotional intellect required so Mitsuko just let's her do the work.

Uncle Shino well he did get married but it was to my godfather Kirito. They adopted a cute little beta girl, Nao who loves pigtails and sailor uniform.

She is the same age as Sakura and adventurous as her but if there's one thing Nao, Sakura and Mitsuko have in common...it was their silent stubbornness and manipulative little minds that didn't work on me or the moms.

After eating to my full of Mitsuko's amazing cooking, I and Mika played some games as we talked about a lot of things. Kairi just chose to watch cartoons with Mitsuko till it was time for bed.

The moment the bedroom door closed behind us...I didn't give Kairi time before carrying him to the bed to lavish him with love.

He was my omega and I wouldn't have it any other way.

The end.
Finally done, can now rest and then finish my little native. I'm so excited!

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