Chapter Twenty Four

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It's been six months already. How time quickly flies.

My hair grew longer but I promised that when I landed in Japan, I would get a quick hair cut because the hair blocking my sight was pretty annoying as well as adorable to Haru.

Haru and I have been married for five months now because he was in a rush to get married.

We didn't do any wedding ceremony if you're thinking, we just did a quick court marriage with Kirito and Shino as witnesses and Shino wasn't happy when he found out but for my sake, he accepted our decision.

"Are you okay?" Haru asked me with his face looking worried.

I sighed softly and smiled back before clasping our hands together as I admired the wedding ring on our hands.

"Hmm. Just nervous to see everyone, it's been six months since I saw everyone." I exhaled and gripped Haru's hand tighter.

"Don't worry, it'll be okay. What could possibly be worst?" I was about to respond when the worst of the situation popped out.

An angry Rin holding a bat in her hand.

"Where's that bastard?!" Rin shouted as she walked towards us pushing aside the people in her way.

Takato and Haru looked dumbfounded at Rin's behavior but having grown up with her, this was something I haven't seen in a longtime.

"Rin calm down, let's be reasonable people." I heard Haru say as he and Takato moved behind me for protection.

I nudged my head towards Rin, looking at Takato who knew what to do.

"Aunty Rin, I've missed you!" Takato shouted as he dropped his backpack and ran up to her.

Rin dropped the bat and hugged him as I picked up the bat and gave it to Haru.

"I've missed you too and your mama but him..." She pointed at Haru. "Not so much. I have a bone to pick with you, do you know how badly I've always wanted to be Yuki's maid of honor."

"You should talk about yourself being a bride you're almost twenty three and not getting younger." Haru whispered softly but I was sure Rin heard it.

"Give me that bat!" Rin demanded and almost pounced on Haru if I and Takato weren't holding her back.

It was quite a sight to see an alpha afraid of a feisty beta.

"So now that you're married, give me the gist. Is he keeping you happy?" Rin asked, looking at my eyes in case I lie.

"Yeah. One time in America, I was hungry for sweets and Haru bought me a bakery with all the goods. Said he was making it up for not giving us a wedding." I confessed feeling my face getting hotter as I fiddled with my finger.

"So what about Kirito?"

"Actually...he was the one who got everything ready for us to get married. Before we left, he took a plane to Arabia because his mom invited him over." Rin nodded and placed her hand on her chin and gave me a devilish smile.

"So..." She raised her brows. "Have you and Haru... had sex and marked?"

I felt my face flush as I shook my head. "We haven't g-gone pass k-kissing and cuddling yet. We sleep together in the same room but Haru is just cautious b-because of...then."

"So he doesn't know about you and Akio? Twice?" I placed my hand on my lips and shushed her as my eyes trailed backward to see if Haru was anywhere nearby.

"Not yet. I tried to tell him but he always cut me off or talks about the new house since Asami has the old house as property." I explained as I covered my face in embarrassment of my past secrets.

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