Chapter Thirty Seven

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The moving was tonight and I had already planned with my spare hours on how I would escape.

If I was unable to escape, I would contact Haru on where they were taking me.

I knew I was taking a lot of risk but I had to do this for my family waiting home and my unborn child who would never get the life baby (Yuki sucks at nicknames) deserves if sold out and experienced the life Nakamura suffered.

I was blindfolded and my hands were tied as I was being lead away by two guards.

I felt them loading me inside a vehicle before the car drove us to where we would be shipped.

The car stopped and I heard soft gasps from the others loaded with me.

A few were younger than me from what I could here as they cried and were being comforted by the older victims.

I felt bad for them because they had families who were looking for them, not knowing their children were suffering for my families mistakes.

I felt someone helping me out of the car as they lead me to another place where the restraints and blindfold were removed.

I observed as they unloaded five other people, a beta and four omegas and I was the only one pregnant in the group. There were also two guards protecting the cargo we were put in while one was loading us.

The moment he turned his back on me, I got up towards him, covered his mouth as I injected him one of the tranquilizer syringe I stole from Ayami's lab.

The other females watched me in fear before they helped me pull the man in and the beta closed the cargo but didn't lock.

"W-what are y-you g-going to do?" The youngest omega, a boy in his early puberty asked as I pulled out a phone.

"Someone will rescue us, I promise you all. This number is my husband, call him and tell him we're at the dock close at the southside of town. The police will come the moment you say the name Yuki." I said as I handed the beta the phone.

"A-and what of y-you?" The beta asked as I gave a sad smile.

"I'll buy us time."

"But you'll die." The young boy said, clutching my hand as he cried.

"I won't. All you can do for me is pray." I said before I picked up the knocked out guard taser and guns.

I put the taser in my pocket as I held the gun before I slowly the cargo vessels, getting the attention of the guards guarding the door.

I shot both of them in the arms and legs, a lucky shot before I looked back at the victims of this crime.

They were scared but the beta was determined to protect them as she talked to who I believed was Haru on the phone and nodded.

I picked up a gun from one of the men and threw at the oldest omega before they shut the vessel.

I picked another gun and then started to run because they were aware that I was on the run.

I journeyed through the maze of vessels, avoiding everyone I could possibly avoid.

I tasered one of the guards who was abusing one of the females and I used a baton to hit him till he was out.

This was the first time in a longtime I used force but it was for a good course.

I handed the baton to the eldest there as I instructed them what to do before I ran away as they dragged in the body and closed the vessel.

I had dropped the gun because it was out of ammo and served no use to me.

I only had a taser as a weapon as I careful treaded enemy territory on barefoot.

I was so focused on my front view that I didn't notice the man behind me till he grabbed me.

I struggled against his hold as he covered my mouth.

I grabbed his hand on my mouth and bit him very hard before I used a scalpel and stabbed him in the eye as he screamed then I tasered him till he passed out.

I was breathing hard with tears in my eyes as I puked in disgust.

I was pregnant and I was feeling the stress of the situation but I had to keep on moving, I had to control my emotion because too much adrenaline and baby would suffer more than I was.

"Yuki! As much as I love you and love the excitement you bring, I can't help but be angry that you chose now of all times to play. Do you think you can escape here?" Nakamura's voice announced from the radio's around here as I hit away from the lights.

"Clearly not but since you've already started then I'll play. But know this Yuki..." I felt my heart beating twice as fast as I closed my mouth. "When I find you, I'll punish you severely."

My breath hitched as I ran feeling trapped as tears fell down my eyes.

I was much more scared now with the threat that Nakamura was going to follow through. I needed to buy time, enough so that Haru can come for me.

I stopped in my track when I saw a guard who chased me around.

He caught up to me and was going to forcefully carry me but he fell to the ground as blood slowly started to leave his body as I sobbed more.

"Yuki!" Haru shouted as I cried in relief to see him.

He ran up to me and hugged me as I cried more mumbling incoherent words as he told me everything was going to be alright.

I started hearing bullet shots from everywhere as Haru carried me away from the danger.

The moment we came out, an ambulance took me from Haru and laid me on the bed as I kept on crying.

Haru kissed me over and over again as they rushed me to the hospital.

I knew something was wrong with me because I was feeling pain and they strapped an oxygen mask on my face that slowly made me slip in and out of consciousness.

I felt Haru's hand squeeze my hand tightly as he kept on telling me everything was going to be alright as he cried.

I was scared, something was wrong with baby but now that Haru was here, everything was going to be fine before I slipped out of consciousness.

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