Chapter Thirty Three

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It's been almost four weeks since they brought me here and nothing was happening.

My baby bump started to show but the security around me increased when I disappeared according to the masked man.

My only hope was that Claire got the message to Haru.

The door opened and Claire stepped in holding some clothes before the guards locked it behind her.

She was thankful they didn't do anything to me for trying to escape but that was a lie.

They just haven't done anything yet.

"Here are some maternity clothes." She said and handed me the clothes.

She unlocked the chain on my leg before I got up and took off my clothes then helped me put on the new wear.

The maternity clothes were just sweatpants and a large shirt that hid my baby bump.

She helped me do my light exercise before she slipped something in my hand.

"Read it later. Yuki, no matter what happens, don't lose hope." She whispered to my ears while I quietly listened confused what she meant.

After I was done with my stretch, she handed me my meal and drugs which I took quietly, knowing it wasn't poisoned or anything dangerous.

Claire wanted to say something to me when the door opened and the masked man stood tall and proud like the leader of the organization.

"Father, what are you doing here?" Claire asked as she walked to her father's front.

"Leave us." He demanded making Claire to startled.

"I can't. I'm his attendant and I have to monitor him till my break."

"Since when did you follow rules?"

"When you do things that oppose your standards and rules. I don't trust you completely." She responded and then I knew that they had a close relationship as father and daughter.

"Claire, my red flower. Are you challenging me?"

"Not at all. I'm just giving a friendly reminder father, as your lovely flaming red." She explained with a very insincere smile.

Her father bent down and whispered something to her that made her shake in fear before she nodded and looked at me before leaving.

I moved away from the masked man, hugging myself as my back touched the corner of the wall.

The man sat an arm stretch from me as he placed a bag that I didn't notice in-between us.

"Take it." He said with a deceiving softness but it was a command.

I stretched my hand and took the bag before I opened it to see a few things inside.

It was different snacks and a few fruits, his actions confused me as I stared at him.

"Why?" I asked as I dropped the bag by my side and glared at him suspiciously.

"Because you interest me. It is my standard to take care of things I like. Don't you think so?" I scoffed as I rolled my eyes before glaring at him.

"Then I don't need it. I'm not a thing and I definitely do not belong to you." I responded and then threw the bag at him.

The masked man sighed and stood up, picking everything and putting into the bag.

"Yuki, Yuki, Yuki. Why must you keep on testing me?" He asked and then he dropped the bag before facing me.

Within a blink of the eyes, he grabbed my arms and pulled me away from the corner I squeezed into before slamming me to the bed.

My heart was beating fast as I tried to kick him but he sat on my legs making me cry out.

He pinned my hands above my head with his left hand and grabbed my chin.

"You're really stubborn Yuki but I guess that is why you interest me." He paused as he caressed my cheeks gently while I kept my face disgusted at his action.

"If only my source had told me about you a little longer..." He touched where Haru's bite mark was. "Then it would be my mark here and no one would have to die."

I gasped at that statement before glaring at his eyes in fear.

"What do you mean?" I asked feeling my lips trembling.

He smirked as his hands touched my collarbone up to my chin.

"It means Haru has to die. The moment he does, the bitemarks weakens leaving another alpha to claim you." He explained as his hand raised my shirt before rubbing my baby bump.

"Don't you dare hurt Haru! Just stop it, don't kill him!"

"Or what?"

"I'll kill you the moment I leave here."

"You can't escape Yuki, when will you learn that. Or will you prefer I hurt you even if your pregnant for Haru." He said as I felt a sharp pain on my stomach making me to scream. I started to cry as the pain stopped before looking at the masked man who had a grin on his face.

"Did that hurt much, I tried to make it less painful." He said with a sadistic grin on his face before taking his hands off my stomach. "Listen here omega, in face of danger learn your place because someone can get really hurt...especially a pregnant one."

I cringed at how cold his voice was before he got off me and left the room.

I started to cry as I clung onto my stomach where I felt a rough nail mark that would heal eventually.

I cleaned my eyes as I put my hand in my pillow and then I started crying again when I realized who wrote it.

I promise you, I'll bring you home. Just please wait for me. I love you so much.

I covered my mouth as I cried while I rubbed my belly softly.

"Don't worry baby, daddy's coming for us. I promise you, you'll see your daddy."

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