Chapter Thirty Two

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Three weeks of search and investigation and still nothing.

Nothing at all to assure me that Yuki was alive and well. I was frustrated and depressed that it even started to affect my son.

It hurt me how every night he would cry that he wanted to see Yuki and that he would eat his vegetables if Yuki came back.

He also went to the shrine everyday with Rin to pray for Yuki's return but still no luck.

My dad even pulled some favors from intelligent foreign investigators but still... Nothing!

I was tired and alone, I couldn't sleep and when I did it was never in our room and it was never more than an hour or two every three or five days.

I just finished talking with the investigator when I heard the door of the room I was temporary staying till Yuki comes home.

"Papa can I stay with you tonight? I'm scared." Takato whispered as he clung to a fluffy white teddy bear.

I gave Takato a smile knowing he was the one thing keeping me sane as I nodded.

I changed into my pajamas as I laid beside Takato who cuddled close to me, placing his head under my arm as I wrapped the blanket around us.

"Papa, when is mama coming back? I miss mama." He said as I ran my hand through his hair that was growing longer.

Usually it was Yuki who cut his hair but I would make out time to do it.

"I don't know when his coming home but I miss him too. I miss him and you're little baby sibling so much." I said as I placed a kiss on his forehead and petted his head.

Takato started crying into my chest when thunder struck because of the rain and I cradled him closer

"What's wrong, tell papa?"

"I'm scared. I hate thunder but mama use to hold my hand till it stopped. I went to your room but I didn't see you so I was scared, I thought you left me like mama." He confessed as I pulled him closer to my chest, not knowing that tears were falling down my own eyes.

I comforted Takato till he fell asleep, my hand never leaving his tiny hands as I kissed his head.

He looked a lot like Yuki except he had my eyes and would be taller. Seeing my son cry made me weak that I let my guard down and I broke down.

I was worried. I knew within that Yuki was alive somewhere but questions kept lingering in my mind.

Was he doing well? Was he healthy? How was he feeling?

I guess too much thoughts bothered me that I didn't know when I drifted off into a dreamless sleep.

The sound of my phone ringing got me up from my bed, 6am in the morning.

I tiredly answered the call, bothering not to check the dialers ID.


"Mr Aizawa, we got a lead on your missing husband." Investigator Keita said as I rushed off the bed.

"What do you know?" I asked as I quietly walked outside the room, hoping not to wake Takato.

"I would like to discuss such issues with you in person." He said and then I bit my lips.

"Of course. I'll drop by the station soon." I cut the call before entering my room once again.

I helped Takato get ready as well as myself and dropped him off at Kairi's house because he was my best option at brightening Takato's mood before I headed down the station.

"Please tell me what you have as lead to my husband." I requested as I was offered a cup of coffee and some snacks.

"Well we now know that his alive that's the best news. Someone working for the traffickers contacted me."

"What's the problem?" I asked feeling hopeful that the police had eyes on Yuki.

"From reports five pregnant omegas, two males and three females with two guards and five caretakers. They have them heavily guarded and the only time you could manage to even speak is during their medical checkup every week."

"Though one thing bothers me, we still haven't found the threat in your family...the one who informed the kidnappers of his movement." The investigator added and I nodded even though I had a hunch on who.

"The person who has information on Yuki. Did that person say if his healthy?" I asked and then the man nodded before placing a folded piece of paper on the table.

"Anonymous said that I should give this to the husband of the victim." He said before I took the letter and read it.

Dear Haru,
If your reading this now, it means that you got this letter safely. I can't write much but I love you and I miss you. I'm okay and the baby is okay and I'm using this as a way to assure you that I'm alive.
Please take care of Takato because I don't know when I'll be home or if I'll ever be home. I tried escaping once but it just made things worse so please stay healthy for me, for both of us and our children. I love you.
Love, Yuki.

I clenched my finger around this paper and held it close to my chest.

Yuki was crying when he wrote it because I could see the dried tears on the paper.

He was scared that he'll never come home but he wanted to give me hope.

No, he wanted to give himself hope that I, Haru Aizawa will find and bring him back home no matter what.

"Is there anything else I can do?" I asked and then the detective nodded.

"Anonymous wants to see you tonight. The arrangements have already been made, all you have to be here in the station before eight." He said as I nodded before standing up from the chair.

Don't worry Yuki, I promise I'll find you and bring you back home.

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