Chapter Twelve

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Everyday after that date was a blessing.

Every morning, Haru would come visiting and he would take I and Takato out for fun.

We've been to the zoo, parade, amusement and finally the beach.

Every time we left, people always said mistook us for a family and Haru would just play along and tease me all the time while Takato would do his own thing, ignoring me.

I was in front of a fountain in the park waiting for Haru.

Today was going to be our third date with just the two of us getting along.

I was really shy and embarrassed because I knew he would not recognize me and it was all Rin and the girls idea.

"Hey Yuki, I heard you're going on a date with Haru and since I wanted to apologize. I bought you this." Rin said as she gave me a box which was slightly heavy.

"What is it?"

"Just open it." Rin requested before I sat down, getting all the attention from the girls and then they surrounded me as I opened it.

I touched it to feel it was soft before picking up the fabric and then dropping it back in the box.

"I think you made a mistake. These are women clothes even though it is my size."

"I know that's why I bought it. You have to wear this, you're already so feminine that this will just be a bonus. Consider it a blessing."

"No way."

"Come on chief, a simple dress won't kill you. Some males do it and most women look like men." Momo complained before I gave her a stink eye.

"Just this once, I promise you won't regret this." Rin said with a grin on her face before I sighed knowing she won't leave me till I agree to wear this.

"Fine." I said before all of them started to high five.

I was totally going to regret this.

And here I was wearing it. Everyone I passed would keep their eyes on me like I was some tasty meal waiting to be eaten.

What I wore was simple but it caught the attention of the crowd.

I wore a black and red gown with off shoulders, ripped long sleeves, long black knee socks, red shoes, butterfly earrings and necklace, and a black and red headband.

I didn't put on any makeup except powder and lip gloss but my face seemed to always glow no matter what.

I sighed as I checked my phone before looking up and spoting Haru.

He was checking the time on his watch as he looked around for me before his eyes met mine.

He removed it immediately and walked forward but he stopped and moved back and looked at me again before I smiled shyly and waved at him making him to blush in result.

He walked up to me before he glared at me again.

"Wow! look amazing." He complimented me making me to look at him confidently.

"You're ten minutes late." I said as I folded my hands before he placed a hand on his chest.

"I apologize, I have no excuse. I had to get something done in the office before leaving." He apologized before I laughed and held his hand.

"It's okay, let's go on our date." I requested before he blushed and then we entered his car.

We talked about something many irrelevant topics until we got to a large plantation with so many workers.

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