Chapter Eighteen

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Hey guys, I read your comments and to be honest they were really suggestive and...harsh but they had your personal thoughts. I know a lot of you have questions but I promise you everything will be answered as you read on. Also to be honest, Haru might have done a lot of bad things but he really isn't the worst and as you read on, there a lot of things that will make you see that. Thank you for all your support, comments and votes.

After taking a long hot shower, I dressed up in something comfy and a large sweater for warmth.

The heat was always hard for me but then thanks to Rin, I was able to handle it.

"Yuki are you hungry?" Rin asked and I shook my head, securing my body with the blanket.

I heard Rin's footsteps coming closer before she sat beside me and patted my hair gently.

"Yuki I hate to see you like this so please try to eat, for Takato's sake." She begged as I turned and met her eyes then looked away.

"I'm really not hungry Rin. Just tired, my heat wears me out when it ends." I responded truthfully before she nodded and rubbed my shoulder in comfort before leaving.

I didn't know when I dozed off but what woke me up was the feeling of a larger body behind me.

I turned my head back to see Kirito who was smiling like a fool at me before he pulled me back into the bed.

"Why did you wake up? You are so warm." He said with his voice humming that it was sending vibrations through me.

"I can't stay in bed forever, I have things to do." I said making him pout before he released me and climbed out of the bed.

"Well since you have nothing to do, let's go watch a movie."

"I just said that I had something to do."

"Like what?"

"Like, like..." I paused and then started to look around the room for a descent excuse. "Like grocery shopping, I'm out of toilet paper."

I watched as Kirito scoffed before laughing so hard that he had tears falling.

I couldn't help but blush at how he laughed before his laughter started to died down.

"You're a terrible liar. You could have said that your heat is mentally exhausting or you promised Shino something but that is just so adorable." He teased me, smiling like a jerk as I mentally cursed.

"Okay then but let me get changed." I said before walking to my closet and picking out something decent and stylish because Kirito won't let me be unless I agree.

I was about to take off my shirt when I noticed how comfortable Kirito sat and was watching me.

"What do you think you're doing?" I asked before he gave me a cheeky smile and shrugged.

"What do you think I'm doing. Admiring, God's best work of art in the raw form." He said as he winked at me making me to blush hard like a tomato.

"Get out you pervert!" I shouted before I kicked him out of the room and closed it behind me. I heard Kirito laugh so hard as he walked away.

I swear that man is going to be the death of me.

"What kind of movie do you want to watch?" Kirito asked as he looked at me, waiting for an answer.

"A comedy." I said before he nodded and then bought two tickets for the movie.

I bought the snacks before we sat down and then I took the flyer that had information on the movie we're watching.

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