Chapter Thirty One

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I slowly opened my eyes feeling a bit dizzy as I looked around the unfamiliar room.

My sight was hazy but it wasn't so bad as I slowly recalled what happened.

I tried to stand up but I was tied to the chair, my hands cuffed behind my back too.

"Somebody help me!" I shouted feeling panicked as I tried to get off the chair but the ropes were tight and the cuff was burning my flesh when I pulled too much.

The door opened and two men with a lady entered the room.

They seemed to be discussing something softly before their attention moved to me.

"He is not as much value as his worth because his mated. The only option is to get rid of him." The lady said as she dropped her briefcase and brought out a syringe.

"If it's getting rid of him, then I prefer a messy job." The man with blonde hair said as he walked behind me and placed a knife on my throat.

My breath hitched when I felt the cold metal against my skin and then I closed my eyes, my mouth trembling in fear.

"Please don't hurt me, please. I'm pregnant." My tears flowed down softly against my cheeks as the man behind me placed his gloved hand on my chin and tilted my head.

"Pregnant? We didn't get any report on that. Did we Ayami?" He asked the lady who sighed and then brought a document out from the bag.

"I guess I wasn't interested in the results but this changes everything then." She said before the person behind me pulled the knife away and patted my hair like I was a pet as I shrank in the chair.

"So what we going to do with him?" The man behind me asked before the one with a mask on smiled.

"Keep him around till he gives birth. The kid will worth a lot especially if it turns out to be an alpha." The masked man said and my heart seized for a minute.

"Don't do this, please. Just let me go and I promise I won't tell the police anything. Don't make this decision." I begged as I sobbed louder before the masked man placed a blade on my stomach and made a tiny cut.

"Are you telling me what to do?" He asked as he placed his hand on my stomach and softly massaged it.

I kept quiet as I cried softly, trying to keep myself calm but I couldn't.

I was scared and all I could think about was my family and how I might never see him again.

I was so scared that my only regret if I died here was never telling Haru that I was pregnant.

"Why are you doing this?" I asked as the masked man paused massaging my stomach and touched my neck then my chin and finally my lips while I sobbed softly.

"Because it's what I do." He said as he ran his fingers through my hair.

"I hope you die a painful death." I cursed as he gripped my hair hard, pulling it back and having more access to my neck.

"I know I won't be dying anytime soon." He released my hair and then faced the lady.

"If he gives birth, don't kill him. He seems useful to me anyway. Tranquilize him and take him away." The man said and then I saw the lady, Ayumi bring out another syringe from the case and then came closer to me.

I struggled hard against the chair but nothing was working, it was too tight.

"Please be still I don't want to hurt you." She said before she injected me on the neck as I hisses at the sharp pain when she broke through skin.

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