Chapter Thirty Nine

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I got out of the hospital in sound health and sound mind but I was still told to go to therapy after experiencing so much violence when I was in a vulnerable state.

Aiko's hearing went okay and she luckily wasn't given any sentence but she was dying.

She had cancer and it had entered its last stage so Haru and father spent most of their time in the hospital, taking care of her.

We also got a new addiction to the family.

Mikaela Aizawa, Nakamura's son.

From investigation, his mother, a male omega died at child birth and was apparently's Nakamura's fated bond before he died.

The nuns of the orphanage said that he loved his son that he didn't want to involve his dirty blood with his son and visited him a month as a benefactor and not his father for his sake.

He really was a shy kid that looked nothing like Nakamura except the color of their eyes.

He was really polite and got along with Kairi and Takato who made it their duty to be the best big brothers to him.

Well Hinata is pregnant, Rin's dating that cute beta boy, Aoi that we met in that café and she makes it her mission to tease him especially since she's the dominant one in their relationship that is when their not having sex.

Her words not mine.

My baby bump was getting bigger and I was so excited.

Soon we'll be having our little Mitsuko in the family.

We already decorated her room and bought her clothes and everything she needed.

Haru was pampering me and because he wanted to be involved in Mitsuko's life, he volunteered to do most of the work which kind had no complaints about.

He also hired a few workers to watch me and help me around while he takes care of his mother during this hard time.

I, Takato and Mika also paid her a visit and I can remember how she cried when she saw Mika.

She asked for forgiveness and I gave it to her because I felt like she had suffered more than I felt she deserved.

I also got to bury Claire in a beautiful burial ground all thanks to Haru.

"Dad, mom. It's been far too long since I paid you a visit. I can't explain you how wonder life as been. I have a husband who loves me to death, we're having one addition in the family. Shino is traveling around having tours and acting in movies. He has Kirito who really cares for him and I have a feeling their more than friends but Shino is never honest. Hinata is married, She's pregnant and we're all happy but..." I paused as I touched their gravestones. "I wish you were here to celebrate with me."

After hours of burning incense, presenting offerings and talking with my parents.

I finally said goodbye before heading home.

I walked into the kitchen where I saw Haru making eggroll for us.

I loved how excited he looked since this was the only meal he made that was always wonderful.

I placed a kiss on his cheeks before making taking a cup of milk and smiling at him.

"You seem so happy? What's the occasion?" I asked as I rubbed my belly with both hands.

"Seeing my cute wife being pregnant excites me and the moment you give birth, I get to claim your cute bum." He said as he growled at me making me blush in embarrassment.

I was about to say something when I kept quiet and gulped.

Haru noticed my expression as he dropped the already made eggroll.



"The baby's coming out." I said calmly before he rushed to my side after picking up the car key.

"Miss Atsushi! Call the family and tell them Yuki's giving birth, I'm taking him to the hospital!" Haru shouted as he helped me.

I was doing a breathing exercise, surprised at how calm I was compared to Takato.

Haru rushed me to the hospital and to be honest, he was panicking more than Shino when I was in labour.

I was so nervous as I paced outside the emergency room.

Today was the day that we would be having our little angel.

I was excited as well as scared as our friends joined in one by one.

The sound of crying got everyone's attention as I sighed in relief before a nurse stepped out the room with a baby wrapped in her arms.

I followed the baby as they moved Yuki to another where he would rest.

I helped in filling her birth certificate before going to the nursery to face my baby girl.

She was so adorable with ten tiny toes and ten tiny fingers, she also had my dark blue hair and I wondered if she'll have Yuki's eyes.

After sometime, I visited Yuki who was sleeping softly.

It wasn't long, they brought Mitsuko into the room and placed her in my hand.

I wasn't going to let anyone touch her until Yuki became he was the one who brought another joy into our life.

I woke up and smiled weakly to the sight of Haru feeding Mitsuko.

She was so tiny in his arms but she was our baby and Takato's eyes were ecstatic with the sight of his new baby sister.

"Hey Mitsuko, come and say hello to mommy." Haru said as he placed her in my arms gently and I cradled her as she blinked sleepily in my arms.

She had Haru's dark hair and golden eyes. It was so adorable and she looked so much like Haru.

The only thing we had in common was our button nose and pale skin which had a few cute red but still she was my baby.

"She's so beautiful." I said and smiled at her.

"And quite the looker. She'll be breaking hearts before high school." Haru said as I covered his mouth and made him notice that Takato was there.

We laughed as I watched my baby sleep before she was placed in her tiny bed by my side as she slept comfortably.

I smiled at Haru who then placed Takato on his laps as they both talked me to sleep.

I was currently in a wheel chair heading towards Haru's mom's room.

She was the only person who hasn't seen her granddaughter and her condition wasn't getting better.

When we entered the room, I was shocked on how skinny, bald and pale she looked as she stared at the ceiling.

Haru helped place Mitsuko in her hand before she started to bless her granddaughter.

My heart bled when I saw her tear up but nothing could change the past.

It was a week after I returned home that Aiko died.

Dad was really hurt but little Mika who called him poppa left a smile on his grieving soul and I was thankful.

The moment I was declared safe to have sex by the doctors.

Haru didn't let me rest for a whole week, taking me to a hotel in another country where he ravished and relentlessly pounded into my body till we were both satisfied.

Well if I had one one of concluding my story... The sun must always raise for the one willing to seize the day.

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