Chapter Thirty

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"Haru something bad has happened to Yuki!" Rin informed me with her face full of fear before I brought out my phone and called.

"It went straight to voicemail." I said before I faced back everyone who heard what Rin said. "I'm going to get him."

"Haru I've called the police." Rin said as she held my hand but I pulled my hand away.

"No. I'm not staying here when my Yuki is in danger." I said again but she held my hand.

"Let me go with you." She said before I nodded and we both left driving to the bakery.

We got there to see the police crossing tapes around the building as they carried out five bodies out of the bakery.

I parked the car and Rin converted her mouth when she saw the sight.

"Sir you can't go in there." One of the officers said but I gripped his hand and glared at him.

"My husband is alive in there!"

"Sir, I need you to calm down and check among the survivors." The officer said as I calmed down before he led me to where two people, a woman and teenage boy were offered water by the paramedics.

"His not here! Where is he?!" I asked as I gripped the police who held my hand and told me to calm down.

The woman started crying and then shook her head as she apologized to me over and over again.

"They took him, those bad men took an omega. They said they were going to sell him and I couldn't do anything." She cried as I froze dropping my arms as Rin started to cry.

"It's not possible, it can't be my Yuki. Let's go Rin maybe it's another bakery." I said and turned my back but the teenage boy spoke.

"He had black hair and blue eyes. His skin was pale and he was talking about keeping someone distracted till he arrived there in time." The boy said and then I knew that I couldn't deny the fact it was Yuki.

"Oh my God, Yuki is in danger and his pregnant." Rin said and my heart stopped when I heard those words.

"What did you just say?" I walked closer to Rin who was crying bitterly as her lowered head met my eyes.

"Yuki wanted it to be a surprise. Inside your present was a copy of his pregnancy test and the ultrasound."

I clenched my fist and then walked to the officer who led me to the survivors of murder.

"I will give you as much money and resources you want but please help me find my husband before anything happens to him. His pregnant and this is endangering his life and our baby. So please bring both of them back to me alive...please." I begged as tears fell down my eyes, my heart aching that I had lost Yuki once again.

"Don't worry sir, we have people working on this case. We'll find him." The police said as he tapped my back while I cried silently.

"Do you have any lead on anyone who was a possible enemy to your husband? Someone who would have wanted your husband kidnapped?" The police asked and I started to think but no one came to mind.

"There's no one. Yuki has few people who didn't like him for irrelevant reasons but they are not enough to actually want to kidnap him. Yuki is also someone who wouldn't involve himself with someone dangerous and if you check his records, his been clean and a law abiding citizen." I explained as the police wrote down my statement.

"Why are we having this interview instead of finding him. His traffickers are out there!" I shouted as I banged hard on the table before one of the officers requested me to calm down.

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