Chapter Twenty Eight

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Christmas was my one best holidays.


Because the café would be closed and it was my first Christmas with my own family.

The thought that I had a family to spend it with made me more excited plus...I was a winter child and today was my birthday.

"Happy birthday!" Takato and Haru shouted when they entered the room.

Haru held the the cake which had a few candles on it before they both sang happy birthday to me.

"Make a wish mommy." Takato said before I closed my eyes and made a wish then blew all the candles.

Haru cut the cake and fed it to me before I cut the cake and held it up.

I looked at him and Takato then I moved the cake to Haru's mouth.

He looked at him but I used airplane and made it crashing into Takato's mouth who ate it and giggled.

"Hey, I'm the papa here."

"But Tokata is my baby and deserves the first love." I said back as Takato nodded before placing a sweet kiss on my cheeks and lips.

"Takato that's papa's property. You only get mommy's cheeks and nothing else."

"How about I get mommy's cheeks, forehead and lips and I'll leave you both alone tomorrow to do adult stuff."

"Takato!" I shouted in surprise and he rubbed the chocolate frosting on my nose and ran away.

"Think about it papa!" He giggled as he ran away before I slapped my forehead and shook my head.

"I think Rin is rubbing off on him. I'm afraid he'll be sassy like her."

"That would only make you love him more."

"Well no kidding about." I said before I rubbed a piece of frosting on his nose and giggled.

"Are you ready?" Haru asked and I came down the stairs quickly because we had to be at Akio's house.

Nori gave birth last week and today was when he was coming home with little Izumi.

We would also host my birthday there not that I minded and from what Haru has been telling me, Akio had a pleasant gift for Nori.

We got there in time and sat down. The decorations were exquisite and then Akio was making sure that everyone was in position.

We waited an hour and then we all started clapping when Nori stepped in with his omega father behind him.

He held a child in his hand that was cooing before I rushed and carried the baby from him.

I cradled Izumi in my hands and smiled at how tiny he was.

Izumi looked a lot like Akio with the dark eyes, pointed nose and bow pink lips. He had Nori's copper red hair, pale skin colour and curious glare.

He stared at me as if he was reading me before giving me a toothless smile.

"His really adorable, too bad he looks like Akio." Nori's alpha father said as he carried his grandson from me.

My attention turned to Nori who was hitting Akio's arm hard and shouting at him for making his dad pick him up because he wanted him.

"Happy birthday, love." I heard a very familiar voice whisper before I turned and hugged the person.

"Kirito, I thought you weren't coming." I said and he laughed as Shino rested his hand on his shoulders.

"He wouldn't have but I gave him a hot chase around seven countries for him to give in. Though I won't lie travelling is fun." Shino said and they both laughed before I marvelled that my brother was here.

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