Twenty Six

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"Papa! I'm home!" Takato shouted as he jumped into my arms before I threw him in the air as he giggled with each throw.

"How was your sleepover?" I asked as I put him on the counter where I was making breakfast for Yuki.

A very light breakfast for him.

"Kairi was very happy to see me and I told him stories about America and Mickey. Also grandma is back from the hospital and kept asking when we'll have a housewarming because she was really happy and she gave me lots of sweets. They're in my bag." He chatted quickly but I was able to pick up everything he said as I put a slice of apple in his mouth.

He muffled 'Thank you' with a full mouth before he started to look around.

"Where's mama?" He asked before I gave a naughty grin at the memories of the last five days.

I blushed lightly in embarrassment when I noticed what I was thinking in front of my innocent son.

"His really tired because I wore him out but don't worry, he'll be okay. Now give daddy a kiss and watch cartoons while I go handle your mom." I instructed before he jumped down on his own from the counter, grabbed his bag and walked to probably his room first.

I got to our bedroom to see Yuki lying naked on his stomach with his face away from the door.

I dropped his breakfast on the bedstand close to him before kissing his forehead and he opened his eyes.

"My hips are so sore. I told you to be gentle!" He complained as he punched my stomach hard and I held my stomach and hissed before laughing.

"I was simply enjoying my wife." I said before I pulled opened the drawer and brought an ointment.

I applied it on my hand before massaging his whole back as he moaned and relaxed in my hand.

"That feels so good...where did you learn how to massage so well?" He asked as I massaged his hands making him hum as his eyes relaxed.

"High school, our social work assignment was to work in an average paying job. So we did a pick the paper in the hat and I got Spa, worked there for three weeks with an A."

"No wonder you're so terrible in cooking." Yuki teased me and laughed before I spanked his right butt-cheek and grinned when he yelped.

I helped Yuki sit up before I fed him a simple breakfast of toast, bacon, eggs and apple juice.

I carried him to the bathroom and started to bath him but he got so defensive when I got to his nipples.

"It's still s-sensitive." He pouted, his face a cute shade of red as he protected his nipples.

I smirked as I held his hand before pulling it away and exposing the abused nipples.

It was red with hickeys like the rest of his body before I brought my face closer to his chest.

"Let me give it a gentle cleaning up." I whispered, loving how he whimpered as I blew air on it before licking the nips as he moaned but didn't complain.

I took care of my beautiful omega when he got hard again with an amazing handjob before I cleaned him properly and helped him to dress.

He just chose to seduce me more by wearing one of my shirts that hung on his shoulders and stopped on his thigh. He wore a three-quarter shorts and packed his hair into a messy bun.

"Is Takato home?" He asked, snapping me out of my trance as my eyes left his legs to his eyes.

"Yeah." I gulped as I mentally willed my hardness away before stepping out of the room.

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