Chapter Thirty Four

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My conversation with the insider was just the previous night.

I was sure she was a female because of her hands were tiny and slender and she had breast that she concealed poorly in the hood.

I gave her my letter in hopes that she would be able to keep her words and give it to Yuki.

If everything was in our favor, then we would be able to rescue Yuki within a month. Even though I wanted to get him back as soon as possible, I had to be patient because I could not only risk his life but other omegas that are victims too.

I was having lunch with Takato in a restaurant nearby when my phone started ringing loudly.

The caller's ID was the detective in charge of Yuki's case before picking it.

"Where are you?!" He asked hurriedly as I looked around.

"Having lunch with my son."

"Wherever you are, leave! We got a report a few minutes ago. They are coming for you."


"Because they want you dead and if I'm accurate one of them has eyes on you so leave like everything is okay and don't separate from your son because they might go after him to draw you out." He explained before cutting the phone.

"Papa I'm done. Is everything okay?" He asked and then he drank his water.

"How would you like to go somewhere fun with me?" I asked as he nodded his head before I carried him in my arms, avoiding looking around and entered a bus leaving my car.

I was surprised I wasn't panicking but my first priority was to get my son somewhere safe.

As a father and as an alpha, it is my job to protect people who are family no matter what.

I couldn't protect Yuki and I blame myself but I won't make that same mistake twice.

I used my phone to study the people who entered the bus a few minutes after me.

They were five of them. A female and four males.

I watched Takato who was innocently not aware of the danger as the bus drove by.

The best place for us to lose them was the amusement park around here but I needed time or they would take me down before I got there.

The bus stopped at the bus stop I needed.

I held Takato in my hand as people rushed through and before the door closed, I carried my son and ran before the door closed behind us.

The men tried to stop the bus driver and I took it as my cue to keep running.

I paid for the gate fee as I ran with a confused Takato into a souvenir stall.

"Listen son, I want you to stay here and hide till I come for you. If it's not the police or someone we trust, don't go. Okay?" I said as I picked outfits for him to change into.

"Yes papa."

"Now put this on, let me pay for them." I said before I handed my card to the worker and then I ran out of the stall.

Now that Takato was safe, I had to get the police here.

I sent a quick text that my son was in the stall before deleting the message and trashing my phone in case if their using that to track me.

I also trashed my jacket and shirt and changed in the open into a shirt and a sweater.

I rustled my hair, wore my cap and fake glasses I picked out before putting my hands in my pocket and walked away.

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