Emotional Entrance Exams (Edited)

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       Entrance exams were only a few days away, and Ori couldn't have been more nervous.
Raito was as infuriatingly calm and collected as usual, which only made Ori feel worse. It was obvious that Raito would get the top score, no matter who was there. 

       The one day Ori was finally able to get Raito to help her study, she went over to his house. It was a short session, only about an hour and a half, but by the end of it, Raito's mother was fussing over Ori on her way out the door.

       "Really, Mrs. Yagami, Mom already has dinner waiting for me and it's only a short walk. I'll be all right." Ori was trapped in a warm and comforting, yet overly tight, hug.

       "If you say so, dear. Tell your mother I said hello." Raito's mom finally let go, and Ori staggered to the door, trying to get the circulation back in her arms. She was so strong!

       "I will, Mrs. Yagami. Have a good night." She gave a small wave to his mother and little sister as the door closed behind her, cutting off the light. Ori stepped down the rest of the steps and passed the gate.

       "Hey, Ori!" Came Raito's voice from his balcony. Ori craned her neck up for the millionth time to talk to him.

       "Be careful on your way home, all right? There are all sorts of weirdos out there." He was leaning against the railing, still in his white, red, and brown uniform. Sometimes, it was like the guy didn't have any other clothes.

       "I can imagine you'd fit right in." She shot back with a laugh. Raito just waved her off and closed the door, shouting, "nevermind! Get kidnapped for all I care." Ori laughed one last time, then tucked her hands into her jacket. The temperature was starting to drop, and Winter would officially be on them like a helicopter parent wrapped in an icy blanket.

       Once Ori was stepping into the familiar warmth of her own home, a wave of stress rolled off, and exhaustion took its place.

       "Welcome home, Honey. How was studying with Light?"

       "It was good." She broke off with a yawn. "I'm just gonna go to bed." She placed her hand on the stair railing, ready to haul herself into her bed and sleep for a hundred years, when she felt a hand grip her shoulder.

        "I hope you didn't plan on skipping dinner; I made your favorite: sweet and sour chicken on rice." Vivian's voice was low and gravelly and sent chills running down Ori's back.

       "N-no! Of course not. Thank you for the meal." Nervous sweat gathered at her forehead and neck. Ori let go of the railing and let herself be pulled to the dining room where the chicken was still steaming on top of ice rise stained brown with sweet and sour sauce in white bowls. Ori's stomach growled loudly at the sight.

        "Yeah, that's what I thought," Vivian said, slipping into English and using a bratty voice.

       "Aren't you a little old for that, Mom?" Her innocent question was met with a horrifyingly sweet smile. 

       "What was that?" 

       "Nothing! I said nothing!" Ori flew her hands up in nervous surrender. This wasn't good for her heart. She should really stop talking when she's tired; Ori has absolutely no filter.
       Two hours later, Ori's stomach and heart were full of good food and good vibes. It felt good to relax after a long day of school and studying. Ori climbed up the stairs and sluggishly opened the door to her room. Falling face-first on her gray comforter, she let out a low groan. Her body felt heavy and her eyes had slipped shut before she even had the chance to change out of her school uniform. Oh well, the next day was Saturday anyway.

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