New and Horrible Plans (Edited)

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       Ryuk munched on an apple loudly. "The Death Note can kill anyone who gets their name written in it, but the person who writes the person's name needs to have a clear image of the person in their head, so two people with the same name won't die."

       "Okay, okay, okay... I think I understand." That was a lie. She didn't understand at all. There seemed to be so many rules just from his description of the Death Note's power. 

       No, Ori. You need to go about this rationally. Freaking out won't solve anything. A giant god of death is in your room, giving you the answers. How are you going to go about this?' She needed to think about this the same way Raito would. She needed to outsmart him before he got the chance to even think about doing anything to cover up his tracks.

       "Okay, if anyone were to get too close to figuring him out, what would Light do?" She muttered into her fingers. He was the type to make an escape plan, something involving the Death Note.

       "Ryuk." The Shinigami lurched up from his spot on Ori's bed, wide eyes even wider.


       "You said that whoever uses the Death Note needs to have a clear image of the person they kill in their mind, are there any other rules?"

       "Uh, yeah. Take a look." He tossed the simple black notebook her way. She caught it between her hands and flipped through the glossary. She scanned over the rules. 

       "Whoever's name shall be written in it shall die, the effect won't happen unless the user has a name and a face in mind- duh, duh, duh..." she read through the rest of the rules. "Here! If the Death Note is lost or stolen, the owner will lose ownership unless it's retrieved within 490 days. Are there any other rules like this?" Ryuk was silent for a moment, long and boney fingers resting on his chin.

       "Yeah, if the owner of the Death Note gives up ownership, then all their memories of the Death Note will be erased, including all the things they did with it."

       'Light would definitely do that if he felt like he was being backed up into a corner, then create a way he could get the Death Note back. I need to counteract that.'

       "Does that person need to use the Death Note for this to happen, or could I forget everything if I wanted to?"

       "Yeah, it's technically anyone who's touched the Death Note."

       "All right, cool. So Ryuk, you were bored, right? That's why you dropped the Death Note?"


       "I think I've found a way to make this more entertaining. For you, anyway." Ori saw his eyes light up. His lanky body leaned closer.

       "How?" Ori cleared her throat. She wasn't entirely sure this was going to work. A lot of guesswork and trust in her own intellect was going into this plan. It could fall apart the moment she said it out loud, but she had to try.

       "I want you to take my memories of the Death Note, and if Light ever gives up the Death Note, I want you to bring it directly to me, okay?" This couldn't flop. Ori needed this to work. If she messed this up, it could ruin everything; she'd never be able to forgive herself. But she also wouldn't know because she lost all of her memories of the Death Note. This was a double-edged sword for sure.

       "All right. I can do that. Sounds like fun. When do you want me to take your memories? Now?"

       "Yeah, the less time we waste the better." 

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