They Can Wait

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       When Ori finally came back, she didn't look defeated or sad like L thought she would; she just looked pissed. L could feel the heavy aura that pressed on them from the doorway.

       She said nothing as she sat down beside L, eyes lifted to look at Misa.

       "Has she said anything?" She asked.

       "Aside from asking to go to the bathroom twelve times, nothing," Aizawa said, irritated. "This is stupid! We're not getting anything from her, and it's just torture! We should just let her go."

       "Don't forget," L said, "she's a paid actress. Even if Maggie says Misa's telling the truth, letting her go when we're not sure what she's capable of is a mistake. Kira 2 was able to kill with just a face; we can't risk it." Aizawa looked annoyed but kept his mouth shut. Matsuda looked like he wanted to say something, and L waited for him to do so, but he never spoke.

       Watari came up behind them with, the metallic cart silent except for the sound of the wheels being pushed over the floor. He placed a coffee and a slice of cake in front of L, and a glass bottle of Mnt Dew in front of Ori. She immediately perked up and took the drink, then turned to Watari, a bright smile on her face.

       "Thanks, Watari! You're the best." The old man smiled down at her, gray mustache twitching.

       "It doesn't take much to please you, Ms. Cobb." He ran a gloved hand over her head once before turning his gaze to L. Watari gave him a quick thumbs-up, but L didn't know what that meant.

       "He's right," Ori said. "Misa was lying when I was interrogating her, and as much as I hate to say it, she might have figured out how to get around my whole lie-detector thing like Light used to be able to do. Misa may act like a dumb blond, but if she's really Kira 2, then she might not be as dumb as we think."

       L drummed his fingers over his knees. They had to get as much knowledge out of her as possible, but if she was playing dumb, or if she really did forget why she was there, then there wasn't much they could do. Maybe if L could get Misa and Light to talk under secret surveillance, then maybe something would be revealed, but that was a big maybe. There was a high possibility that Light could be in on the whole thing. Or that Light didn't know and discussing Kira's actions traumatized her. That would make it even harder to get her to confess. Not that he could get Misa to properly confess if she forget everything about Kira. 

       "This sucks," Ori said with a large swig from her bottle. Part of L was worried that this case would turn her into a raging alcoholic while another part of him wanted to know how she would act when she's drunk.

       "We don't know what we're looking for, and the two people who could tell us are of no help at all. It's either the blind leading the blind or someone pretending to be blind while leading the rest of us to our doom, and I'm betting on the latter." She set down her bottle and cracked her knuckles harshly. The sound made L wince discreetly. 

       "Light said that he was Kira," Matsuda started and L immediately knew that whatever he said would be stupid. "So why don't we just ask him how he kills?"

       Yep, L was right. Matsuda's stupid.

       "Have you been paying attention at all?" Aizawa smacked him upside the head. Matsuda let out a pained shout and rubbed his head. "He said that he might be Kira. I doubt he actually knows."

       "But that doesn't make any sense." L said. "How do you not know you're a serial killer. What Ms. Cobb said to him before is true: there's really no way he couldn't know whether or not he's Kira. I'm fairly certain that sleep killing isn't a thing unless he does it with his mind, but even if he could control the time of death of his victims, I don't think he'd be able to do that subconsciously."

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