Poems, Dinner, and Vivian's a Good Mom (Edited)

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       "So you really did recruit her." Light said. L seemed unfazed by the condescending lilt in his voice. Either that, or he just didn't notice.

       'This is perfect. If Ori's on the Task Force, she'll be trying to prove that I'm not Kira.' Light chuckled inwardly; this was absolutely perfect.

       "Yes, I thought she would prove to be a valuable asset, and I was correct."

       "Are you the reason why she looks like death?"

       "Possibly, but she hasn't asked to stop yet, so we'll just keep going." Light faked an airy chuckle. He was aware that Ori was beginning to become more suspicious of him, even if her joining the Task Force would benefit him more than hurt him. Light would need to figure out how to pull her closer to him. Her dad wasn't around, and she never talked about him. It was just Ori and her mother, Vivian. Maybe...

       No, Kira didn't kill innocents. But this could also help him kill more. The needs of many outweighed the need of one, right? He'd have to think about it more. 

       Behind Light, Ryuk chuckled almost as if he could read Light's thoughts. Could Shinigamis read minds? Probably not, thought Ryuk would never give him a straight answer if he asked anyway.

A black limo pulled up in front of them, and the door in front of L was opened by an older man in a tailored uniform. 

       "Would you like a ride home, Light?"

       "No thanks; I'm fine walking." The detective nodded. He crouched down into the car, and it rolled away.

                                                                <>       <>       <>

       "Can I have dinner at your mother's house?" Ori jumped when L slunk into her peripheral. He loomed over her like a depressed cat, casting long shadows with his equally long legs. 

       "Excuse me?" Had she heard him right?

       "Can I. Have dinner. At your mother's house?" He said it slower, which just sound patronizing. 

      "Um... sure? I don't see why not. I just need to stop at my locker real quick." L gave a slight nod and fell silent. He was so weird. Ori remembered how he had held his paper and talked like a robot during the Entrance Ceremony. Just a few days ago, while they were searching for Kira, L revealed to her that the paper had been blank the whole time. She found it both impressive and hilarious.

       They had finally made it to Ori's locker. She opened it and reached inside. Her locker was almost too tall for her to reach, which was irritating, but she was able to grab what she came for. It was a binder for her psychology class. When she pulled her hand back with her binder, a pink envelope came fluttering out. Ori was putting her binder in her bag as L bent down to pick it up. He handed the envelope to her. It was bright, pastel pink with a red heart holding it closed. Ori chuckled at the cheesiness of it. 

       "A love letter, seriously? Are we in middle school or something?" Out of curiosity, she opened the letter. As she scanned over the words, she found that it was a sappy love poem. 

With you brown hair shining in the sun;
I'm hoping we can have some fun.

Your smile is so bright,
It glows like a light.

So meet me on the roof at seven,
And we'll make our own heaven.

       Ori read it over a few times. The more she read it, the more she had to fight off the laugh building in her chest. She handed the letter to L, chuckling.

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