Tell The Truth

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       His name was Watari Nakamura. Ori didn't bother sleeping for the rest of the night. She just sat in the bathtub, even after Watari left, that one simple sentence replaying in her mind. 

       His name was Watari Nakamura. Watari had taken his ex-lover's name as a tribute to his memory, though Ori didn't think Watari would ever forget him by the expression he was wearing. 

       The water had turned from cold to room temperature a long time ago, but Ori didn't want to back to her bed. If she lied in her bed, she'd get comfortable and sleepy, if she slept, she'd dream. Ori didn't want to dream. Dreaming meant she'd see him in a light she'd never want to see him in. 

       A light she's already seen. A light that made his black eyes look empty and hateful. It took her by surprise every time she thought of it.

       Ori was angry and hurt, but she also felt guilty. She'd said things. Nothing as bad as what L had said, but things they could've gone without nonetheless. She remembered the way he had called her Ms. Nanase. Not even Watari called her that anymore. He hadn't even bothered to use her fake name, and Ori wouldn't doubt it if Matsui had been listening on the other side of the door.

       The sun peeking through the crack in her blackout curtains told her that morning was already rising over the Kanto Region of Japan. She didn't get out of the bath wet; Ori wasn't ready to face the rest of them when she knows they'll crowd her and pester her to make sure she's okay. The thing was, Ori knew they meant well, and she appreciated that they actually cared, but she wasn't looking for their pity. She just wanted to get this case over with. 

       Groaning, Ori pulled herself out of the bath. Water sloshed over the side, running over the tiles. Water dripped from her clothes and hair. She really should've asked Watari if he knew anyone who could cut it. Her girls hung wet and loose and heavy around her waist, already beginning to tangle.She shrugged it off and went over to the large closet filled with clothes. Lazily, she snatched a pair of leggings and cut off shorts. Her wet jeans hit the carpeted floor with a wet thud. Her shoulders were stiff as she brought her shirt over her head, accompanying the pants on the floor. 

       Her back was sore from sitting in the same position for so long, but Ori didn't care. Misa was still in that confinement center, no doubt still quiet as L would still be asking her question after question, each attempt in vain. 

       Good, let the bastard try and fail for the first time in his life. 

       Ori rolled up the sleeves of her flannel, buttons open and revealing her plain gray t-shirt. Ori would never admit out loud that Misa understood what Ori liked pretty well. Was it because she was a model; she must be used to people telling what clothes made her skin bright or some fake shit like that. Lacing up her boots, she tapped the toes on the floor to get her foot to fit more comfortably. Swinging her door open, Ori jumped as Raito's towering figure came into view, casting shadows.

       "Raito, what's up?" He tilted his chin at her, head turning to the side. Bring up a hand, he poked under her eyes.

       "You've got bags again." His voice was considering, almost thoughtful. Ori offered a weak chuckle. 

       "Yeah, just can't escape 'em, I guess." She rubbed under eyes, suddenly conscious of the dark purple circles adorning under her eyes. Ignoring them, she looked up to meet Raito's gaze again. "Never mine me. How are you doing with the whole Misa thing?" The Misa thing was probably the most delicate way she could put it. 

       His face visibly fell, his hair hiding his brown eyes. His hair had gotten pretty long too; he was just a few inches away from a mullet. Ori cringed inwardly at the thought.

       "It sucks, and I'm scared for her, but I know this is necessary to prove our innocence." Ori's eyes narrowed as she looked at him. He... he was lying. Not about proving their innocence, but about being scared for her. Raito wasn't scared for her, and he was lying about it. What had this case turned in to?

       "I'm really sorry, Raito. I'm sure all of this will be over soon." He nodded, but didn't look convinced. Ori was still confused on why Raito was lying about being scared for Misa. Was this all some plan?

       Ori hadn't given much thought to the idea that Raito might be Kira since L first brought it up. At first the thought had seemed as likely as Ori's ability to appreciate abstract art, but now...

       The thought didn't seem to insane.

                                                              <>       <>       <>

       L was annoyed beyond belief. He was getting nowhere with Misa. She was quiet and only talked when she was hungry or had to go to the bathroom. When L asked her questions about Kira or how he killed, she kept her mouth firmly shut, part of L was beginning to wonder if Misa really was Kira 2. But L couldn't let this gut feeling go. He'd never been wrong before and there was no other answer. Light was Kira and Misa was Kira 2.

       Footsteps echoed against the floor and L immediately knew who it was. Ori came into view, her hair slightly damp and scrunching up in twisty curls. L remembered losing his fingers in those locks at Ori slept, the way her face would scrunched when she'd have a nightmares before nudging into him more and relaxing. 

       L scoffed at her presence, annoyance bubbling up in him. She sat down a few feet away, her pen rolling around the table distractingly. They were the only ones in the room, L had no idea where the others were, and tension was pressing down on them, harder with each passing second. Ori didn't seem to be bothered by it and L shrugged it off. 

       The sound of her chair's wheels filled his ear as she came closer. L was prepared for her to reach for him, to speak, but she just grabbed the microphone from next to it and brought it closer to her. When he looked her way, her face was flat and serious, all business. She pressed the button and when she spoke, her tone was that of a motherly figure.

       "Misa? It's Maggie, how are you feeling?" At that Misa seemed to perk up.

       "Maggie? I want out. Please, let me out!" L knew Ori wasn't fond of Misa, but he honeslt expected her to crack. 

       "I know this is scary, Misa, but I need you to tell us anything you know about Kira." Misa strained against her bondages. Ori sat on the edge of her seat, brows furrowed but mouth soft. L quickly turned his head back to the screen.

       "Please! I don't know anything!"

       "You're lying Misa." Ori's tone was flat and authoritative. L had forgotten that she could do that. It really would've gotten rid of a lot of guess work. 

       L's fingers drummed over the table. Misa visibly stiffened. 

       "I'm telling the truth."

       "Another lie." Ori shuffled in her seat. Her back was straighter and her voice was somehow heavier.

       "Misa, tell me the truth. What do you know about Kira?"

                                                                    <>       <>       <>

       Wow, could the ending of I Know Your Secret really be coming so soon? Of course not. Don't be ridiculous. 
       "If you tell the truth, you don't have to remember anything."
       ― Mark Twain       

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