One Too Many Questions (Edited)

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       Ori continued to stare down her lunch like it had personally insulted her. She was barely even thinking about eating it.

       "Are you feeling all right?" Raito asked as he took a seat beside her. 

       "Y-yeah." She said. She'd been in a daze, thinking only about the night before. 

       "Did you watch the news last night?" Raito asked as if he could read her mind. Ori's head snapped up. The news! Ori felt herself shaking in her seat just thinking about it. She could still feel her heart distantly pounding in her ears when the agonizingly slow seconds ticked by leading up to Lind L. Tailor's death. She had known from the beginning that Tailor wasn't L. She didn't need to know that he was lying to come to that conclusion, though. It was weird that, after years of staying hidden from the world, only being known by a letter, L would come forward when no one knew how Kira killed, or how far they would go. But those seconds where Tailor lied motionless at the desk before security took his body away went at a snail's pace. And then the real L had begun speaking. And then he had dared Kira to kill him. Things weren't going irritatingly slow after that. They were going fast. Impossibly fast. Ori could barely wrap her head around it all.

       "Ori? Earth to Ori." Raito was waving his hands in front of her face, brows knit together.

       "Huh?" She blinked.

       "You zoned out. Are you sure you're OK?" 

       "Dude, I'm good. Just lost in thought."

       "If you say so." He said doubtfully. 

       "I do say so." Ori shot back and went to finally eat her lunch. "That whole business with L and Kira was nuts. More intense than a circus." Ratio let out a small, bursting laugh before smacking his hand over his mouth.

      "That was horrible."

      "And yet you're laughing." She smirked. Soon the laughter died down and Raito's amused expression turned serious.

       "What do you think of Kira?" The question was meant to be light and uncaring, Ori could tell that much, but it sounded heavy on his tongue. She set her curiosity aside and feigned indifference with a shrug.


       "You don't know? How do you not know?" His voice had taken on an edge that Ori didn't recognize, but found herself disliking. 

       "Well, I know what he's trying to achieve by getting rid of only criminals, which I guess is commendable in some sense. Trying to rid the world of evil is a good thing, I suppose, but it also seems like Kira has a God complex. Tailor, the guy posing as L, had called Kira evil, and he didn't hesitate to kill Tailor. Kira thinks that what he's doing good to a fault, which I can't say I agree with.

       "I also don't like murder outside of fake TV shows and movies, so that could have something to do with it, but these people are already getting dished out their punishment, you can't just assume that bad people will stay bad. It's better to believe that they'll change for the better."

       "But what if they don't?" Raito still hadn't touched his food, opting for staring intently at Ori. She just shrugged and pushed her rice around with her chopsticks. 

       "I don't know, but the first instinct shouldn't be murder. People and families already suffer enough through war, who knows what kind of civil war Kira will put us through.

       "Not to mention, people are falsely accused of crimes all the time. It's obvious that Kira's trying to keep the innocent alive, but how many innocents do you think they've killed because of faulty witnesses or biased juries?" She saw Raito swallow thickly out of the corner of her eye. He seemed kind of out of it. Almost flustered. It wasn't long before he seemingly pulled himself together with a reason smirk.

       "Are you sure you're not just saying all this because L's against Kira?" He stood, the blowing wind playing with his brown hair. Ori had to crane her neck up to look at him whenever they talked. She wasn't the tallest person around, and Raito seemed to make it his mission to tease her about it every chance he got.

       "No, I have my own opinions. Saying them out loud, though, I think I am against Kira." She replied breezily, but Raito still looked like he didn't believe her. 

       "Whatever you say." His tone sounded bitter. Ori didn't like what was happening. It made her stomach churn and her heart clench. It sounded like he was a supporter of Kira, just by the way that he reacted to her belittling them, but she didn't think he'd be so sensitive about it. He was always the type to let things just roll off his back. Was he that confident she'd agree with him? And if so, why? It made her head hurt, and they were stuck in awkward silence for the rest of lunch.

       "I'll see ya later, Raito." Ori shouldered her back nervously and waved. The entrance exams to Todai would be starting in just over a week, and Ori would need all the time in the world to study. Raito would be busy helping other people study, so she was on her own. Not only that, but the way their conversation had soured during lunch still sat ill in her stomach like rotting fruit, and left a bad taste in her mouth. 

       Thoughts of Kirs began to worm their way into her mind. Who were they? What were the chances of her knowing them? Based on L's deductive reasoning, everyone knew what Kira needed to kill, but how they went about it was a different matter. Was it some kind of power, or something more scientific? Ori made her way home feeling more confused than ever before.
       How was L supposed to find Kira, when no one even knew who Kira was?

                            <>       <>       <>

       I have nothing to say, so I hope you have a good day.
       Oooooo! That rhymed.
       Doragon-chan out!
       "There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you."
       -Maya Angelou

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