Parties of Cake and Misa (Part 4)

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       "If you love him, you love him. There's nothing wrong with that." Her fake blond hair fell over her shoulder, but Ori just shook her head. 

       "But I don't love him. He's my boss. My friend. I don't love him." Misa gave a sad, tight-lipped smile, but didn't argue.

       "All right, whatever you say." And just like that, another switch was flipped and Misa was back to her blond, ditzy self. "Anyway, I'm going to Light's room. I'll see you later~!" She was gone with the lazy wave of her hand. Ori leaned against the counter, buttercream nearly forgotten and beginning to melt. With slow, numb movements, Ori grabbed the bowl and placed it in the fridge. 

       Ori wasn't in love with L. She wasn't. There was no way in hell that she and L would become a couple, even if she did have romantic feelings for him. 

       Frustration built up in her chest once more. This wasn't fair! Her mother was dead, they were no closer to finding Kira, her back ached, and now she was second guessing the effects of her relationship with her boss.

       "What the fuck?" She whispered to herself in a hushed voice. 

       "Maggie! How're the cakes coming?" Matsui asked. She jumped at the sound and looked at the doorway. Her throat felt closed and she had to give a cough to open it again.

       "It would go a lot quicker if you wouldn't keep bugging me!" She shouted back. It was a fight to keep her mind on the task at hand, much different than when she was distracting herself from Vivian. It was easy because she wasn't seeing Vivian every day. Now, as soon as she woke up and went to the lobby, there would be L. She'd be in the same room as L until she went to bed at whatever ungodly hour she'd finally feel the effects of sleep at. 

       Maybe she should try avoiding L at all costs.

       She let the cakes and the frosting cool for a little while. Her computer still played music somewhere distantly, mockingly. 

       "This was supposed to be something fun." She murmured. "Now I'm just trying not to through everything at the nearest wall." Ori would be the first to admit that her temperament was worse now. Her patience used to be that of an abyss. Now, the littlest thing could set her off. 

       It would've been so much easier if she hadn't joined L. She could've lived her life at Todai without worry. She wouldn't have turned into this mess.

       But... who's to say that Kira wouldn't have killed Vivian anyway? Maybe Vivian had some kind of criminal background Ori wasn't aware of. Maybe Vivian never told her because she was different now and there was no need to bring it up.

       When did things have to go and get so complicated? 

       Ori pulled the buttercream from the fridge and began spreading it over the cake. Layer by layer, she placed the cakes on top of each other. Chocolate, funfetti, and then chocolate to finish it off. With the frosting she had left, she took some red food coloring and dripped it into the bowl. Good. This was good. It kept her focused on the task at hand. 

       She needed a piping bag and a nozzle. Where were they? They had to be somewhere in the cupboards. If only there weren't so many. She rifled through them until the plastic triangles and metal nozzles came into view. She smeared the now red frosting into the bag. Her heart was settled and her mind was clear, but her hands were shaking with the effort to hold the bag still. She piped little flowers onto the cakes, small twirls all around each tier. Once she was done, she swelled with pride. This was fine.

       "Hey! The cake's done!" She called out. Matsui, Aizawa, and Chief Yagami came into the kitchen and smiled at the cake.

       "It looks wonderful, Maggie," Chief said with a comforting smile. "Well done." Ori smiled back, joy flushing her cheeks. 

       "I'll go get Light and Miss Misa," Watari said as he appeared out of nowhere. Ori jumped at the sight of him, letting out a small yelp.

       "All right. Thank you, Watari." 

       "Can we cut the cake before they get here?" Matsui asked. 

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       The only time L ever felt like a fool was when Orien Nanase was involved. He confessed that he loved her, only to realize that was he was feeling wasn't quite love, only to then kiss her a few days later.

       He still didn't understand the concept of loving Ori. His heart didn't pound at the sight or thought of her. She calmed him and infuriated him at the same time, and he found himself never wanting to leave her. She was confusing and amazing and smart and frustrating and strong. 

       He'd left the kitchen shortly after she did, with his head buzzing and heart tight in his chest. This wasn't how the Kira Case was supposed to go. It was fine Kira, sentence Kira to death, move on to the next case. Now, it was fine Kira, figure out his feelings regarding Ori, find Kira 2, sentence them both to death, say goodbye to Ori, then move on to the next case. 

       'Things just got a whole lot more complicated.' He rubbed his face with his hands with a hefty groan. 

       "Sir," came Watari's voice from the other side of L's door. "Ori finished the cake. If you want to join the others and eat it."

       L wanted to say no. Ori would be there and he was sure that she didn't want to see him, but... it was cake. 

       "I'll be right down."

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       Romance is too complicated. Why can't it be: "hey, I like you." "really? I like you too?" "wow, wanna date?" "yeah" "cool" "cool", and then that's it. Why is there so much guesswork? Lame. Anyway, feelings are confusing. Especially when you're Ori and L and you have responsibilities on top of being confused all the time. 
       Until next time... Doragon-Chan is Out!
       "Sed lex dura lex: the law is hard, but it's the law"

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