Operation: Infiltrate Misa (Part 1)

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       Being in a relationship was weird. Not a bad weird, definitely a good weird, but having someone come up behind Ori and hug her around the waist while she's checking her notes wasn't something she's used to. It was nice, just surprising.

       "Honey, I need you to spend some time with Misa." Ori dropped her plate of cake on the table. The glass clattered on the wooden surface, but luckily it didn't break. She said nothing, just stared at him, hoping the look of heartbreak would make him change his mind. He turned to her with a sympathetic face.

       "I know you don't like her, but you're probably the only one here she considers a friend. I just need you to kind of infiltrate and report back to me."

       "So I'm gonna be your little hand maid?" She asked with a smirk.

       "Don't even joke. Besides, you're more like a spy." Ori stood up from her seat and came up behind his chair. 

       "I'm a ninja?" She asked in a hushed tone. 

       "That's not what I said." L commented, but it was too late. Ori threw her arms over L's shoulders and rested her chin on his shoulder.

       "I wanna be a ninja."

       "Then be a ninja." L turned his head to kiss her temple, making her heart leap. "Just go hang out with Misa for a while, then let me know if anything happens. I'll get you a case of Mnt Dew, when you're do-"

       "I'm gonna go see what Misa's up to. See ya later!" Ori was already halfway across the room before L was done speaking. 

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       Misa wanted to like Ori-or Maggie as she was calling herself-she really did. But she was rude and distant and clearly didn't like Misa, which was outrageous because everyone liked Misa. She was kind and pretty and tried to get along with everyone.

       So it was strange when Ori knocked on Misa's door, asking if they could hang out.

       "I'm sorry I was rude earlier. My mom passed away recently and I had a lot on my mind, not to mention I don't really care for touching. You really helped me out earlier, so thanks." Orien said when Misa opened the door. At least she had the sense to look ashamed of herself. 

       "Oh, it's all right," Misa waved her off with a bright smile. "It's all water under the bridge." Orien visibly relaxed. "So you said you wanted to hang out, is there anything you want to do?" She shook her head, and Misa felt a pang of annoyance. This girl was so lucky she was in love with L and not Misa's Light.

       Misa scanned over Ori's attire. Black ripped jeans and an oversized shirt with some band's logo on it. Her black boots were untied at the top. 

       She seemed too delicate and small to be wearing clothes like these, even if she was taller than Misa.

       "Come in, I have an idea." She raked her eyes up and down Ori's figure one more time, and the girl's face visibly paled.

       "You know, on second thought-" she was caught off by Misa grabbing her hand and yanking her into her room. Ori's startled yelp was drowned out by the sound of the door closing. 

       "Listen, Maggie, you're too cute to be walking around in such ratty clothing."

       "Misa, I really don't think this is necessary."

       "Nonsense. I have the perfect clothes for you. Nothing too girly, but definitely cleaner." She rifled through her clothes, pulling out shirts and pants. She wanted to gives her dresses and skirts to put on, just to make her angry, but Light made it very clear that they had to get along, so Misa would have to do her best to make Ori feel comfortable around her.

       She threw three different button downs and three different pairs of jeans at Ori, who let them fall on the floor.

       "For real, we could just go to a café or something."

       "Nope." Misa could see the sweat prickling at Ori's neck. She was stepping back towards the door, but Misa had locked it. If scaring Ori needed to happen for them to become 'friends', then so be it.

       Misa launched forward and wrapped her slim fingers around Ori's wrist and tugged her towards Misa's bathroom. 

       "Just put on the clothes and come out when you're done. And there aren't any windows so escape in impossible."

       She closed the door behind Ori and jumped on her bed. She looked in the mirror and huffed. Her mascara was smudging under her eyes. She took a wipe and rubbed at the black until it gave way to her porceline skintone. She continued to admire herself in the mirror.

       I wish I had freckles like Ori. But she didn't want Ori's freckles, not the ones that splashed over her entire face, just the ones that sprinkled over her cheeks and nose. Maybe Light would find that cute. Sure, Ori's freckles were mostly over her nose and cheeks, but Misa could see the dots that went up over her eyelids and forehead. It made it look like someone had taken a paintbrush and just shook it over her face. Misa didn't think it was attractive at all. 

       It was clear that L didn't care about looks as much as Light clearly did, which was dumb. Misa, of course, got lucky, since Light was both smart and attractive. Misa didn't know how smart Ori was, but there was no way she was smarter than Light. No one was smarter than Kira.

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       L had a bad feeling when he saw Misa pulled Ori into her room and close the door. He gave them as much privacy as he could and didn't turn on the mics, or peak in on Ori while she was changing in the bathroom, which would've been just moraly wrong, even if they were dating, but he was worried about the kind of thing Misa was pulling Ori into. If Misa really was Kira 2, then Light would be telling Misa two try and get along with Ori, and that could lead to Ori being more resilient when it comes to her wanting to find Misa guilty. He wanted to pull her out, just to make sure she wouldn't get brainwashed, but she had to do this and he had to trust her. Ori was too stubborn to just let a few good interactions change her mind.

       "Please don't mess this up." He whispered. Light was sitting nearby and tilted his head in L's direction.

       "What was that?"

       "Nothing. I need to go to my own room to check something. Stay here, please." Light nodded, but didn't speak, and L went to the elevator to go to his room. He had to find a way to convict Misa of something so he can interrogate her further. He just hoped that Ori wouldn't be too angry when it happened.

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       Ooooooo~ what's L gonna do? You'll just have to wait for the next chapter. Also! It's our 30th chapter! What?! That's crazy. This is the longest running story I've ever done and the second longest story I've done at all. Pretty soon it'll be the longest. No longer second to '31 Days of Horror'. 


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