I Know You

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       The party was long over. Ori had holed herself up in her room, hoping that no one, especially L, would come knocking on her door to bug her. Maybe if she stayed in her room long enough, history would forget what happened today.

       Knock! Knock! Knock!

       Son of a bitch.

       Ori dragged herself up from her bed, feet dragging as she walked to the door. Maybe Lady Luck was on her side after all and it would be L. With a sense of security that was clearly false, Ori opened the door.

       Son. Of. A. Bitch.

       It was cruel how adorable he looked when he nervously kept his eyes downcast. Ori's heart squeezed painfully behind her ribs.

       "Hey," he said. The situation that they now found themselves in was comical. 

       "Hey," she said back. She stepped aside so L could saunter inside. He scratched the nape of his neck, hair rustling as he did. 

       "I'm sorry I kissed you like that. I didn't mean for it to happen like that."

       "Like that?" She asked. "So there was a different way you wanted to kiss me." Her tone came off as more guarded than she originally intended, and guilt struck her gut when L flinched, but he didn't back down. He nodded. He lifted his head to meet her eyes; his black pools seemed to swallow her whole. There was no escape now, for either of them. 

       "I do love you." He said, stepping close. The loose hems of his jeans brushed over the carpeted floor. 

       "We barely know each other." Her voice didn't come off nearly as strong as she had wanted it to, and she silently cursed herself for it. 

       "I wouldn't say that." He said, not unkindly. "I know you love food and sugar almost as much as I do; I know you try to act selfish when you're one of the kindest people I know; I know how much trust means to you and the fact that you don't know if you can trust Light is killing you on the inside." He continued to step closer until Ori was pressed against the wall and they were almost touching. "I know you once lost your front tooth while playing catch; I know that you want to be a detective and find your father." He bent lower so they were eye level. Ori's eyes burned with unshed tears she refused to release.

       "I know you want to make Vivian proud, and I know that she already is." Is. Not was. And that was it. The tears spilled over and Ori smiled through wet sobs.

       "Asshole. You can't just say things like that."

       "I can and I will. I know you, Ori Nanase, and I love the you I know." He pulled her against him, letting her sob into his chest until his shirt was soggy and sticky and she had no more tears left to cry. He didn't complain, he just held her closer, whispering sweet nothings into her ear.

       "You're so cheesy." She croaked.

       "Says you." He pulled away, keeping his hands on her shoulders. "You don't have to give me an answer now, not until you're ready. Just know that I won't stop loving you. Ever." His smile was enough to outshine the sun. Quiet in its beauty, but loud in its adoration.

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       I-... I have no idea what just happened, but I don't hate it. Apparently, L is a soft boi when it comes to Ori now. Cool.

       "You know you're in love when you can't fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams."
       -Dr. Seuss 

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