Parties of Cake and Misa (Part 2)

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        "The oven was supposed to be turned on already?" The question hung in the air like a bad smell. Ori wanted to be mad, she really did, but his cluelessness was both hilarious and adorable.

       Adorable? Ori thought in alarm. Oh heeeeee~ll naw, we are not going down that road. 

       Nonetheless, she let herself laugh and went to turn on the oven.

       "It's all right. That just gives us more time to get the rest of the cake batter." 

       "Maggie!" Ori heard Matsui shout from the other room. 

       "What?!" She shouted back.

       "I want funfetti!" He almost sounded embarrassed. Like he had just barely summed up the courage to say what he wanted. Ori commended him for that.

       "Sure." She said, quieter so he couldn't hear. No stores in Japan sold funfetti cake batter, so they'd have to bake it from scratch. Which was fine. They'd just have to look up the recipe. 

       We are the champions! WE ARE THE CHAMPIONS!! No time for losers, 'cause we are the champions...

       Of the world~!! 

       The music came to a close and the sound faded out, only to be replaced with another song by Queen. This time, it was "Killer Queen".

       "I haven't heard any of these songs before." L said. "They're American, right?"

       "Well, the band itself is American, but the lead singer is from Tanzania. He was gay."

       "Of course you would know something like that." They were already almost half-way through making the funfetti batter when Ori felt something hit her face. She reeled back, sputtering when something dusty and dry went up her nose. Her eyes scrunched close on reflex and it took a good while for her to buck up the courage to open them again. When she did, L was staring back at her, wearing a small smirk. 

       "Why must you hurt me this way?" She asked in a fake British accent. L flicked her forehead and went to reach for a nearby washcloth, but Ori was already grabbing the mostly full sack of flour. She gripped it by the bottom and tipped it upside down over L's head. An explosion of powder followed the action and more splashed onto Ori's face and clothes, but it was worth it when she saw the flour stick to his raven hair and pale skin. It covered his face and surrounded his eyes, making the black look darker. He was like an inverted raccoon. 

       He blinked owlishly, mouth settled in a straight line. 

       "I didn't use that much flour." Was all he said. A laugh burst passed Ori's lips before she could stop it. She laughed until her jaw hurt and her chest ached.

                                                                     <>       <>       <>

       This was the first time in a while that L saw Ori laugh so freely and heartily since Vivian's death.  Smirking chuckles here, mocking snickers there, but nothing like the breathless laughter she let out with the flour sticking to her hair, face, and clothes. The white made her sea-colored eyes brighter, more vibrant, or maybe that was the pure joy in them. 

       His mind was a haze, his limbs like seaweed as they reached out to grasp the hem of her shirt. It was like slow motion when he tugged her close and captured her lips in his. Her mouth was soft and still and dry from the flour under his. His lips slipped in between hers as she opened them a fraction wider. She tugged him closer, hands squeezing his shirt tightly. 

       L couldn't breathe. He didn't want to breathe. He wanted to stay here, in this moment of warmth and whatever this was. Because whatever it was, L liked it. He had no experience with kissing, he'd always thought it was gross and a waste of time, but now his while body was buzzing and he felt like he was floating. 

       The sound of the alarm on the oven going off made them both jump apart like they'd gotten caught by one of the Task Force members and not an inanimate object. Ori's eyes were glazed over and her lips were kissed red and wet. She blinked to bring herself back and stared at him. He stared back. 

       Her face was tomato red, freckles stark across her nose and cheeks. L's own face felt hot and red. 

       "I should put the cakes in the oven." Her voice was rasped and whispery.

       "Yeah." He said back, his own voice quiet in the deafening silence. The word felt like it had been ripped from his diaphragm, raw in his throat. The gold in Ori's eyes was white against the floresent lights of the kitchen, like shells found in the ocean. She looked beautiful and all L could think about was the urge to kiss her again. 

                                                     <>       <>       <>

       MWAH HA HA HA HA!!! Bet y'all didn't think I'd make them kiss so soon after L confessing and then taking back his confession and Ori's little thought about him being adorable. Expect the unexpected, my bros. 
       Until next week... Doragon-Chan is Out!
       "Lex iniusta non est lex: A bad law is no law"
       -St. Thomas Aquinas

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