Tennis and Café Interrogations (Edited)

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       "It seems as if we're done here." L set his fork delicately on his empty plate. Ori couldn't believe her luck! She had L, right in front of her, asking her questions about Kira and calling her smart. It was like a dream.

       "Light, I heard that you were quite good at tennis, would you like to have a match?" He asked. Ori whipped her head around to look a Raito, eyes wide.

       "Since when did you play tennis?" She asked, mindful to keep her voice down seeing as they were still in the café.

       "It was when I was in middle school. It wasn't a big deal."

       "You never told me that." 

       "You never asked," Raito smirked at her, brown eyes dancing cheekily.

       "Shut up." She pushed him away from her, but it barely did anything to make him move, which was disappointing, but not unexpected. "You realize you don't have clothes, right?" Light looked down at his own clothes, almost as if realizing he was wearing a sweater and slacks. When he looked up, he threw up his shoulders in a graceful shrug.

       "I'll just run home and change. It shouldn't take too long." Then he turned to L. "Is that all right?" Without any hesitation, L nodded, halfway turning to look at Ori.

       "There are a few more things I want to ask you. If you're all right with it, of course." Despite the vacant look in his eyes, L's gaze with locked on Ori intently. It almost unnerved her, but she shook off the chill creeping up her spine and flashed a smile.

       "Yeah! That's fine with me." She turned back to Raito, who was looking between the two of them with skeptical eyes. 

       'What's up with him? Something's not right.' Once more, she shook off the uneasy feeling that had wrapped itself around her shoulders like a cold, wet blanket, and gave Raito a half-hearted wave.

       "You go get your stupid clothes, we'll wait." Raito kept a lingering look on them before turning all the way around and walking away.

       "I'll try not to take too long." He called back with a small wave. Once Ori and L were alone, she turned to him with a quick smile

       "I'm gonna head to the bathroom real quick. Be right back." He gave a single nod and Ori jumped up from her chair and walked to the back of the café where the bathrooms were stored. 

       As she washed her hands under the warm, soapy water, Ori felt something brush against her hand, almost like paper. She looked around her feet and saw a tiny corner piece of lined paper. She briefly wondered where it had come from, then shrugged it off. The vents were turned on in the bathroom, so it probably came from there.

       It wasn't until she was drying her hands did she see the giant blue beast behind her with the spikey hair and dangling earrings. She jumped back with a yelp, accidentally pressing the hand dryers. Loud air flooded into the room. 

       "What the fuck?!" She shouted, then froze. People would be able to hear her if she started yelling, even with the dryer going. She lowered her voice. "What the fuck are you?" The beast in black clothes just stared at her as the dryer kept shouting out air. When it went quiet, the thing spoke.

       "What's up? I'm a Shinigami. The name's Ryuk." It said as if that explanation cleared up anything

       "Umm, okay? Sure. Uh-how'd you get here?"

       "Oh! I've been in the café the entire time, you just couldn't see me until now." Ori was so confused. 

       "Anyway, I just wanted you to see me to spice things up a bit. I've been bored." He looked at her with a toothy grin, waved, and phased through the fucking wall. Ori stayed there for a while, staring at the place Ryuk had been. Did she finally lose it? Did the stress of the Kira Case get to her already? 

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