What're Your Thoughts? (Edited)

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       "God! I'm so hungry!" Ori groaned. 

       "Yeah, we got that." Light laughed; L just rolled his eyes. They were walking into a café, and instantly, the smell of cake and expresso cascaded over him like a warm blanket. His mouth began to water. 

       "All right, I'm gonna go order. Ryuga, what do you want?" Ori glanced back at L, the gold in her blue-green eyes turned almost white in the fluorescent light. 

       "Just a cake and tea, lots of sugar. Thank you." She nodded and went up to the front counter. 

      "Come on, there's an open seat over here." Light gestured to a table hidden from the rest of the café by a set of ferns. 

       "Thank you, Light. This is helpful because there's something I would like to talk about before Ms. Nanase gets back."

       "What is it?" Light's hands were clasped on the table. L curled his hands over his knees as he perched himself in his seat. He pressed his thumb to his lip and let his lip curl the tiniest amount.

       "I am L, and you are Kira." L bit down on his thumb. Light's eyes widened for a fraction of a second, then he let out a chuckle.

       "Really? Do you think I'm Kira? What makes you think that?"

       "Why are you guys back here? It took me forever to find you." Ori slid into her seat next to Light, huffing in irritation. "I ordered; the food should be here soon."

       "Thank you, Ori." L said. Ori just nodded, drumming her small fingers on the table.

       L was perplexed. In the few hours of knowing Light and Ori, he learned that Light was secretly really emotional when it came to Ori insulting him if you could call what she did insulting.

       Ori Nanase was quite strange too. She relatively had a very joking and cheerful personality but seemed to get annoyed with Light fairly easily, even if jokingly. 

       She didn't strike L as the kind of person to be friends with Light. She was too outgoing, too charming to be friends with someone as reserved and quiet as Light.

       The café was nice but modest. Ori, Light, and L were tucked into a corner, away from everyone else. Light sipped his coffee, while Ori inhaled a sandwich and a coconut ice cream shake next to him. L poked at the strawberry on top of his cake and took a drink from his tea. He glanced up at Ori, who was licking the mayo off her fingers. 

       "Forgive me if this comes off as rude, Ms. Nanase, but Ori is a very unusual name." Half of L was genuinely curious about Ori's name, but his other half just wanted to see her reaction. How she responded to his statement could spell out her personality as a whole. Some people tended to be sensitive to their names. He kind of expected to get scolded for sounding rude - that's what normally happens, right? Instead, Ori just laughed and gulped her shake. 

       "I get that a lot. My parents named me after the Asian Lung Dragon: Dracos Orientalis Magnus." Light looked at her with a confused expression.

       "You never told me that."

       "You never asked." Ori shrugged. L decided to take it another step further after shoving a piece of cake into his mouth.

       "Because of your eyes?" He asked. Ori made a startled noise, face turning pink. Ori's appearance was unusual for a Japanese woman. Her hair was abnormally light, light brown streaked with golden blond, and her eyes were the blue-green, the color of the ocean, and dotted with flecks of gold. Her eyes were strangely wide, but L remembered from reading her file that her mother was an American woman from California. 

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