Heart and Soul

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       The moment Ori collapsed on her bed and she sunk deep into the dark red comforter, the muscles all sighed in relief. Shopping with Misa had been both physically and mentally exhausting. Ori had thought that Misa talking to her about how she felt about L meant that Misa wasn't all that bad. But being dragged to a 'boutique', forced to try on all the clothes as soon as they got back to Misa's room, and being examined like a mannequin in a store window had her feeling differently. Ori didn't even know if Misa was doing it on purpose, or if she was just that clueless and ignorant. 

       Her door creaked open and soft footsteps padded over the soft carpeting. The spot next to her dipped lower and long fingers carded through her hair, blunt nails gently brushing over her scalp. It sent pleasant tingles dancing over the skin and she leaned into L's touch.

      "I got some stuff." She said. Her mouth felt lax and loose. She probably sounded like she'd been pumped full of morphine.

       "Oh yeah?" L asked, the humor clear in his voice. "What'd you get?" Ori moved her head to the side so that she could talk clearer. L was lying on his side, propped up by his elbow, a teasing smirk on his face.

       "Misa told me that she and Raito met at a coffee shop and that they'd bumped into each other, and exchanged phone numbers, but that had been a lie. She told me that Raito had asked her to come over, which was another lie, but she said that they started dating at his house, which was true." Her mind felt hazy. If L kept stroking her hair like that, she was for sure going to fall asleep.

       "Anything else?" He asked. Ori hummed her confirmation. She struggled to move her mouth and opened it felt like a pain.

       "She said they started dating two months ago... just after-... after Kira 2 showed up... they probably started dating before Kira 2 told everyone they'd stop searching for Kira..." her eyes drifted closed again, sinking even further into the couch.

       "That makes sense. She was telling the truth, right?" Ori held up a weak thumbs up. L patted her head twice.

       "Good job, Honey. That really helps." She hummed again, rolling onto her back and holding out her arms. She grabbed at him like a child until he lied down all the way and wrapped his arms around her waist and nuzzled under her jaw. 

       "Sorry you had to deal with her all day, and that you had to play dress up." His mouth moved against her skin, causing her to shiver. 

       "I have more jeans than I'll ever need in my lifetime." She said, her own hands drifting over L's mess of raven black hair. It didn't always look like it, but he did shower. His hair was surprisingly soft as it stuck every which way.

       "At least you won't have to do laundry all the time." L chimed. Ori nodded. She let herself drift. L's weight was comfortable as he tucked his body along hers, his feet ending up further away, which was fine. Ori didn't like feet.

        "She almost made me get new shoes. If this is what like having siblings is like, then I'm glad I was an only child." L was silently drawing circles over Ori's hip bone. She could feel his lips purse against her neck. She could tell he wanted to say something, but was holding back. Was it something about his past? Something he wasn't supposed to tell her.

       The clock on her wall ticked and tocked. The seconds dragged by as Ori waited for L to speak. She eventually let her eyes slip closed and sucked in a deep breath before letting it out slowly.

       "They aren't always bad." He said. 

                                                              <>       <>       <>

       L wasn't waiting for Ori to fall asleep to speak. He knew that she was still awake. He couldn't go into detail about his life before he became the world's greatest detective, no matter how much he wanted to, but he could share the bare minimum. 

       He wanted to share his life with her. He wanted to share everything and let her know everything, the way she'd done. He wanted to tell her about Near and Mello. He wanted to tell her that he was an orphan two, that Watari had taken him in with the others to ease the pain in his chest. He'd been much younger than Ori when his parents died, so he could never truly comprehend the pain she'd felt, especially when she was so close to Vivian, but he could at least...

       He could at least try.

       He'd tell her everything he remembers about them. From his mother's horrible skills in the kitchen, to his father's brilliant mind he inherited. He'd tell her about the way his mother would sing him to sleep in Russian. The way his father would tell him stories of Italy. The gandalas and clear water that glowed teal against the golden lights at night when the sky was dark and dotted with white stars. The beaches covered in white sand warmed by the sun. He'd share all of it with Ori if he could. He'd hold nothing back. He'd show her Italy, he'd show her Russia and France and England. He'd take her anywhere she wanted to go. He'd give in to every desire she had, earthly or other wise. 

       But he couldn't. Not yet. Not while Kira was possibly behind the same walls as them. Not while too much was at stake.

       Was being in a relationship now even a good idea? Was it smart to pull her in so close, to drown himself in something that could potentially fall apart the moment everything was over? Could he really do that to Ori? Could he really do that to himself? Was he so selfish to let her believe that-for certain-everything could work out for them?

       Maybe not, but for now he'd believe it himself. Lawliet would give all of his heart to Ori until she didn't want it anymore. He'd give his mind and body to the Kira Case.

       But his heart and soul belonged to Orien Nanase.

                                                                 <>       <>       <>

       Such wholesome content. Sure would be shame if something were to ruin it.
       Until next time... Doragon-Chan is out!
       "Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage."
       -Lao Tzu

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