Parties of Cake and Misa (Part 5)

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       Light knew there was something on between L and Ori. He asked Misa about it, but she wouldn't tell him. 

       "It's not my business." Was what she'd said. But looking at the two of them, watching them interact, it was clear that whatever happened leaned on the more romantic side. 

       They refused to make eye contact with each other, but they repeatedly cast glances at each other and would promptly blush whenever they did.

       'They probably kissed about now don't know what to do.' Which wasn't good. The closer they got to each other, the harder it would be to get Ori on his side.

       'Maybe killing Vivian wasn't a good idea. I have to act fast.' 

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       L wasn't used to eating desserts if Watari wasn't the one to make them, so he was a little skeptic when he came into the kitchen to eat Ori's cake, even when everyone was talking about how good it was, especially Matsuda. You could give the guy a half baked cookie and he'd still say it's good. But he was a fair and a little curious to how it tasted.

       Misa didn't eat any, claiming that the cake would make her fat, like eating one bite will magically turn her into the most obese person in the world. L was beginning to question her intelligence. 

       L cut himself a slice of chocolate cake, not his favorite, but it was better than that funfetti crap Matsuda had Ori make. He found himself looking at her several times, watching her hair curl under her chin and around her ears. He watched the dimples on her cheeks form whenever she laughed at something Matsuda said. His stomach rolled at the sight and he bit back the urge to snatch her away and pull her to the nearest corner. To do what, L didn't know, which was mildly concerning. 

       Maybe he was feeling jealous.

       She caught him looking at her and turned pink before going back to her conversation. They needed to talk, but how could he talk to her without her freaking out and running away. 

       The worst part was the cake. It was obsenely good. Maybe if it had tasted bad, then L could find a reason to stop feeling like he was being flattened by blankets. Soft, heavy, hot, and all encompassing. It was suffocating and L didn't know if he wanted it to stop. He was drowning, and there was no life boat, no raft, nothing to latch onto. He would simply fall to the bottom and die there. 

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       The party was fun. Matsui was cracking jokes, Aizawa was scolding him like a disappointed father, Chief was watching them both with a soft smile, Misa was being annoyingly clingy on Raito, and Raito was trying to eat his cake him one hand. L was the only problem. Ori found him looking at her again and again. It was embarrassing and she didn't know what to do. She knew that they should talk like proper adults, but what could she say? hey, I like kissing you and I respect you, you make me feel heard and you take me seriously and you're actually really funny-. Her thoughts halted.

       'No. There's no way.' Her face felt hot. Maybe she just had a fever. Maybe she just needed to lie down for a while and get her thoughts together. She wasn't thinking clearly.

       "Are you all right, Maggie?" Matsui asked. "You don't look so good; your face is all flushed." She turned to him, setting down her plate.

       "I'm all right, Matsui. I just need to lay down for a while. You guys keep doin' what you're doin', and I'll be back later." She moved around the Task Force members, only to be stopped by Misa. Ori didn't bother trying to cover up her annoyance. 

       "What do you want, Misa?" She asked. Misa, as usual, ignored her tone and took her hands. "Please stop grabbing my hands like that."

       "I saw your face just now when you were looking at Ryuzaki. You figured it out, didn't you?" Her voice wasn't the soothing tone it was before. Now it was teasing and nosy. Ori really wanted to deck her. Instead, she ripped her hands and away and shouldered past her.

       "My personal affairs are none of your business."

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       Light watched as Ori left the room. He wanted to go after her, to bring her in closer, but with Misa hanging off him like an ape, it wasn't possible. L was already walking out of the room too. 

       'Dammit!' Nothing was working. How could he get Ori back on his side without alarming her that Light was-in fact-Kira?

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       Romance is so messy and complicated. This is why I choose to love fictional characters. 
       "A friend is someone who knows all about you and still loves you."
       -Elbert Hubbard

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