Bite Your Tongue

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       Misa was quiet after that. It didn't matter how long Ori stayed there or how many times she asked Misa about Kira, the blond kept her mouth shut.

       L watched her as she watched the screen but she paid him no mind. 

       "Misa-" Ori started, but then stopped. If she wasn't going to talk, then there was nothing Ori could do to make her. She leaned back in her chair, hands dragging over her face. Kicking away from the table, Ori let herself slide across the floor, spinning as she went. She let her legs spread out, the heels of her boots catching on the concrete floor. 

       "This isn't going to work." She muttered to herself. "I should try talking to Raito." She went to stand up but was interrupted by the sound of her stomach growling. "Guess food comes first." She got up from the chair, pushing it back over to the table, and made her way to the kitchen. Matsui was found standing in the kitchen with the fridge wide open, Ori had a feeling he'd been standing there for a while. 

       "Don't just stand there with the door open, Matsui; you're wasting cold air." He jumped when she spoke. Whirling around with wide eyes, Matsui stared at her, mouth agape. 

       "Close your mouth too. You'll catch flies." He gave a nervous chuckle, rubbing the back of his neck. Ori walked over, plucking two eggs from the open fridge door and a bottle of ketchup. She found a pan in a cupboard next to the oven and lit the stovetop.   

       The eggs sizzle next to each other in the pan, quickly turning white. Waffles were cooking in the mini waffle makers, the smells making Ori's stomach groan louder. Matsui had left a little bit ago with an apple, which was irritating. All that time spent looking in the fridge like a brain dead monkey, and he walked away with an apple. 

       When the waffles were done, Ori tossed them on an empty plate. The giant fried egg was long finished and laid over one of the waffles. She snatched the ketchup from the counter and squeezed it over the egg. This thing would probably give her diabetes, but it would taste good at least. Putting the second waffle over the egg, Ori smiled at her creation. It would kill her for sure, and Vivian would've scolded her for not caring enough about her own health, but Watari'd been making her pretty healthy meals for the last month, so it balanced out. It was all about the laws of equivalent exchange. Ori knew that wasn't what the saying meant, but she found it funny. 

       When she walked back into the lobby, L was gone. She sank back into her seat. Misa's legs were shaking violently on screen. If L wasn't there, then someone needed to watch Misa. Raito could wait. 

       "Misa, this will all be over if you just tell me what you know about Kira. L's not here, Raito's not here, it's just me." She didn't move, didn't speak. Nothing. 

       "Misa, this is only confirming that you know something. You and Raito will be put to death, either way, so just tell me what you know." Now she was the one lying. But if it could get Misa to tell the truth, anything they could use, Ori would lie until her tongue fell off.

       "NO!" Misa suddenly screamed. Ori jumped at the sudden noise. "Don't lay a hand on Light; he has nothi-" she cut herself off. She was beginning to understand that Ori could tell when she was lying, but this only made it clearer that Raito was somehow involved if she was trying to say otherwise.

       "Were you going to say he had nothing to do with it? That's another lie, Misa. You stopping yourself only proves that." Ori threw out her gentle tone; it was getting her nowhere. She was standing up now, hovered over the mic.

       "How is Raito involved? Misa!" Misa was breathing hard clearly hyperventilating. She was panicking, meaning she was looking for a way out. Ori could see Watari in the background, silently creeping closer. 

       "Let me go!" Misa shouted. "Let me go! Let me go! Let me go!" She chanted it over and over again, the sound reverberated in her brain. She sounded so desperate, so panicked and terrified that Ori wanted to tell Watari to let her go immediately, but she couldn't do that. It went on for what felt like hours, Misa screaming, tears and snot running down her face from underneath the metal blindfold. Ori didn't know how to make it stop. She didn't know what to do.

       Misa suddenly stopped chanting. She fell silent and the room was eerie in its wake. She was breathing hard, Ori too. Where was L? Why wasn't he here? He was the boss, right? So why wasn't he the one interrogating Misa?

       "Misa, is Light Kira?" The room was still silent, and Watari was still in the background, now stopped and standing like a stereotypical butler. Honestly, the room reminded Ori of some freaky sex chamber, and seeing Watari and Misa in it together was unsettling. Ori knew he would never do anything, but the image itself was still creepy.

       Ori watched, eyes growing wide, as Misa opened her mouth, tongue sliding out past her bottom lip.

       "Watari! Put something in her mouth! She's trying to bite her tongue!" Ori wasn't even finished when Watari was ripping off one of his gloves and shoving it into her mouth. She didn't bite her tongue, but her teeth sank into the thin skin of his fingers. Ori winced at the sight of blood oozing from the side of Misa's mouth. Ori's back ached painfully and her head throbbed. She collapsed back into her chair, panting heavily like a dog left outside without water. She cast a glance at her untouched breakfast. It no longer looked appetizing. She pushed the food away, covering her face with her hands, heart racing. She looked at the screen; Watari's hand was still in her mouth. She reached for the mic, still keeping one hand on her face.

      "Watari, please use your belt to bind her mouth. I don't want her to keep chewing on your hand like some cheap horror movie zombie." Her voice was tired, her throat felt raw as if she'd been screaming as Misa had. Watari looked at the camera and nodded. His fingers trembled as he undid his belt and stuffed the leather into her mouth and tied it around her head. With a hand on the rim of his pants, holding them up, though Ori didn't think he really needed to, Watari backed away from Misa. 

       Rage flooded Ori's mind and veins. Her knuckles were white as they held onto the mic and she whispered into it.

       "Watari, where is Ryuzaki?"

                                                        <>       <>       <>

       Ooooooo~! L's gonna get iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit. 
       "I lie to myself all the time. But I never believe me."
       ― S.E. Hinton

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