Dinner Again? (Edited)

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       It was almost laughable, really, but Ori wasn't laughing. She wasn't laughing at all. What she was doing, was staring at L with an awed expression. She was watching his black eyes scan her face while she stared back at him, her locker door still open. 

       "Are you serious?" She asked, her voice a hushed whisper.

       "I'm always serious. What's your mother making for dinner?" L was standing over her with his bent back, and hands jammed into his pockets. When Ori finally closed her locker, she let a small chuckle escape past her lips. 

       "She got her hooks into ya, huh? I'm not surprised."

       "You haven't answered the question." He was like a robot, so laser-focused. Ori crossed her arms over her chest, she still had one class left, and L wasn't even letting her get to where she needed to go.

       "She's making breakfast for dinner. Waffles, pancakes, eggs, bacon, and sausage. I'll text her that you're coming to dinner again as soon as my class is over."

       "I appreciate it."

       "Yeah yeah, whatever. I'll see you later." She waved him off as she went off to her Language Arts class. With L distracting her, getting to class on time would be uncomfortably close. She glanced at one of the clocks adorning the walls. She only had two minutes left. She broke into a run, ignoring everything else around her. When she reached the classroom door, she had twenty seconds. She sucked in a breath to slow her breathing and walked through the door. She went up to her seat and tried not to fall asleep as the lesson started.

       "Ori!" A hand waving in front of her face made her jump. She hadn't fallen asleep, just zoned out for a little while. She looked up to see Light peering down at her with a small smile. Ryuk was standing behind him, grinning and letting out quiet cackles. 

       "Hey, Raito. What's up?" The nickname felt gross on her tongue as she forced it out.

       "Class has been over for a while. You feeling OK?"

       "Yeah, I'm fine. Geez, Ryuga's gonna be all over me now." Ori muttered that last part.

       "Why?" Light asked, and Ori bit back a curse. She couldn't tell him that L was coming to her house for dinner. He would get the wrong idea and it would only make things worse.

       "He said that he had something to talk to me about after class. Sounded pretty urgent." The lie slipped off her tongue easier than his name had. Light nodded and backed up so she could get out of her seat. 

       "Anyway, I wanted to know if you wanted to go to Spaceland with me tomorrow. My mom gave me some tickets and I'd feel weird going by myself." He let out a short chuckle that grated Ori's ears. She had to swallow heavily to keep herself from growling at him.

       "Sorry, I can't. Mom needs my help cleaning the house tomorrow." Ori stepped onto the stairs and went down to the door.

       "All right. Well, is there a day you wanna hang out? We could go to the café or something. I'll pay." Ori could hear the desperation in his tone. He was usually so calm and collected, this one a completely different side of him that Ori had never seen. Had he thought she would say yes to his first offer? 

       "No, I'm OK. I need to catch up on some sleep." Her words were coming out short and clipped despite her urge to keep her tone airy. 

       "OK. I understand, just don't push yourself too hard." Light said from behind her. 

       "I said I was going to be sleeping. How would I push myself too hard in that aspect?" She turned down the hallway.

       "She seems extra touchy today," Ryuk said. Ori hesitated for just a second. Was he trying to bring attention to the fact that Ori was avoiding him? Stupid Shinigami was going to get her killed. She realized that her halted movements were only telling Light that she had heard Ryuk, and kept walking.

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