Don't Think About It (Edited)

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       "She's losing too much blood!"

       "Well, it's hard to tell whose blood belongs to who!"

       "Her heart's dropping!!" The shrieking voices penetrated into Ori's ears harshly. They were so loud. Ori's back hurt, but she didn't know why. She didn't know where she was, or what was going on. All she knew was that she wanted to pain to stop. Where was Vivian? Ori couldn't hear her. Why was she hearing stranger's voices when Vivian was nowhere to be found? Ori tried opening her eyes; they were too heavy. Her thoughts were moving too fast. She couldn't stay focused on anything. Her mind drifted away. The voices and flashing lights left her and Ori was left in darkness.

                                                          <>       <>       <>

       L had been running through security tapes of the Yagami household, more specifically, Light's room, when Watari told him the news. 

      "Sir, Ori Nanase has been fatally wounded by her mother. She's in emergency surgery as we speak, but her mother's dead. She stabbed herself in the throat the moment the police arrived." He was trying to sound professional, but L could hear the sympathy and sadness leaking into his voice. 

      Instantly, L's mind was filled with questions and hypotheses. 

      'Was it Kira? And if so, would this mean that Light really was responsible?' The possibility was low. Light was too smart to ever to after someone he knew personally. And what about Kira killing criminals? Unless Ori's mother had a criminal background, but thinking back to the time he spent talking to her, he seriously doubted it.

       "Is she all right?" He asked at last.

      "We don't know. From what I can gather, she's almost slipped a couple times, but at the moment her vitals seem to be stable."

      "When will she be out of surgery? We'll need her to explain what happened as soon as possible."

      "She should be out in the next hour or so."

      "All right. Thank you, Watari."

      "You're welcome, sir." Then he left the dimly lit room. 

      "This doesn't make any sense. It's clear that Ori thought very highly of her mother, and she was a pleasant woman to be around. What happened? What changed? We've come to the conclusion that Kira can control his victims leading up to their death, but what about needing a name and a face?" L sat perched in his chair for hours, thinking when Watari opened the door again. 

      "Sir, Ori's awake." L gave a small nod of acknowledgment. 

      "Thank you, Watari, please get the car ready."

      When Watari opened the door for L, the first thing his brain processed was Ori lying on her stomach in the hospital bed, blanket drawn up to her waist. He did his best to push down the unpleasant feelings swelling up in his stomach when she looked at him. Her face was almost paler than his own, and she looked exhausted. How had all of this happened in just a few hours? Not even a full day.

       Her sea-green eyes were dull and bloodshot. Still, she did her best to smile. 

       "Hey, candy-man. How's it goin'?" Her voice was raspy like she'd been screaming for hours.

       First, Ori had been goofy and care-free, then, she had been serious, then flustered. Now... now, she was completely and utterly broken.
He ignored her question and sat down in the chair next to her bed. 

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