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"Tobio-chan , i'm so sorry for your loss." A woman said. The boy only nodded blankly as he thanked the woman for coming. It was Kazuyo Kageyama's funeral. Or in other words,

Kageyama Tobio's grandpa's funeral.

It happened 2 weeks before his middle school match. And even though he knew his grandpa wasn't feeling that well these days , he didn't expect him to be gone much sooner.

Kageyama honestly didn't like these kind of events. It's too much work and he'd prefer it to be him and his family only. But he couldn't be stubborn and he knew that better than anyone else.

"Mom , I'm going outside for some fresh air." Kageyama said. "Okay honey , just come back soon okay ? I think it's going to rain soon." His mom replied as Kageyama nodded and excused himself.

He went to sit down on a nearby hill and begin to think of various of things. The volleyball match , his teammates , his grandpa...it was all too much for him. He was just a middle-schooler and for all of this to go into him all at once is just...overwhelming.

As he sat there thinking , he felt a presence walking slowly into his direction. He shot his eyes open and felt alerted until he saw a girl. She didn't look older than him so he assumed that she was the same age.

"Uhm...do you..want some milk?"


"Oh...you've been staring for a while so i thought you wanted my milk...here , i haven't drink it so you can have it." The girl said as she sat down and handed over the box of milk. "I'm not a big fan of milk though..." the boy muttered. "You'll like this one , it's really good." The girl said.

He thanked the girl and began to take a few sips of the milk while looking at the now setting sun. "Those are...volleyball shoes? You play volleyball? Which school do you go to?" The girl asked breaking the ice. "Yeah...i go to Kitagawa Daiichi.."

"Kitagawa Daiichi ! That's a powerhouse school ! You're so cool !" The girl praised. "How about you...? Where do you go?" Kageyama asked not wanting to be rude. "Shiratorizawa , I play volleyball too." The girl said as she too showed her volleyball shoes.

"Position?" Kageyama asked.

"I'm a libero ! I don't have that much of a height so i practiced hard on my receives." She claimed . It's true , for a middle schooler and a volleyball player , she lacks the height. But considering that she goes to Shiratorizawa , she must be very good at receives, at least that's what Kageyama thought.

"I've got to get going now, It was nice meeting you stranger." She grinned. "Oh and,"

"Cheer up soon !" She waved and walked away. Kageyama was confused on why she said that until he found a folded paper under the box of milk. He unfolded the paper and began to read it's content,

'I saw you coming out from the funeral event. I knew you looked down and figured I'd try to cheer you up, i don't know what you like but I hope you'll like my favorite drink. :)"

Kageyama smiled at the thoughtful note and began drinking the milk again. "It's not as bad as I thought." He thought and finished it.

'Moo moo milk...I'll definitely start drinking it more often now.'

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