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"Well , yeah of course I like her as a friend , Sugawara-san." Kageyama said as if it was already the supposed answer. "No , Kageyama ,  I mean , romantically. You know...like the girlfriend and boyfriend feeling." He smiled. "What kind of feeling is that?"


"I've never...liked a girl before , Sugawara-san." Kageyama said quietly. "I guessed so...you've been so focused in volleyball your whole life that you don't know how it feels huh..."The older boy chuckled. "Well you see, when you like a girl, you feel happy seeing her and you want to see her when she's not around you. And when you do see her , you'll get this warm feeling inside of you !" Sugawara tried to explain and make it sound as easy as possible.

"I see...I think I get a hint of it but I'm still not familiar with it." He said. "That's okay , you'll figure it out soon. C'mon , let's go to practice soon. Daichi-san will be worried if we don't come." Sugawara said as the ravenette nodded and stood up. "Thanks , Sugawara-san." Kageyama thanked as the older boy put a thumbs up.

"Oh , Kageyama-san , Sugawara-san..." A girl suddenly called from behind them. "Oh..? (Y/n)-san , are you here to buy something?" Sugawara asked. "Ah no...I just got lost. I was looking for the Girl's Volleyball Gym...But I'm kinda lost." She chuckled nervously."Oh , Kageyama , why don't you show her the way to the gym? I'll tell Daichi-san that you're going to be late. " Sugawara said. "Sure..." Kageyama nodded in agreement.

"Thanks , Kageyama-san. See you later , Sugawara-san !" She waved as the silver haired boy nodded and waved back before heading back to the gym. "Are you going to play volleyball again , (Y/n)-san?" Kageyama asked. "I'm still thinking...Michimiya-senpai told me to come to the club earlier and I don't want to be rude." (Y/n) chuckled. "My brother did try to encourage me to play again but I'm still thinking..." (y/n) sighed.



"I don't care if you're playing volleyball again or not. But, I'll be rooting for you." The setter said as he held both of the girl's hand in his hands.

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