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"(Y/n)-san ! you're here !" Michimiya greeted the girl once she entered the gym. "Y-yeah...Do you need anything from me, Senpai?" She asked politely. "You can be more casual with me , (Y/n)-chan. Anyways , I heard you quit volleyball last year and I thought that maybe you're interested into playing again?" She asked. "I don't know..." She said doubtfully. 

"Then, how about we play for a while? After all , you're already wearing your volleyball shoes." The elder chuckled lightly. "It's a force of habit.." (Y/n) said shyly. "So..are you in for a game?" Michimiya asked. The girl thought for a while and saw her watch on whether she still has time or not until her brother comes to pick her up.

"1 game is alright."


"Your reflexes are really great , (Y/n)-chan ! I wish I can receive like that." Nozomi , the libero said. Everyone introduced themselves earlier before the match started and they tried to get along. "Thank you. Your receives are good too , Nozomi-san. Although it gets sloppy sometimes." She smiled. 

"So , how do you feel after playing that match?" Michimiya asked. "It was fun, I guess. I've only been receiving my brother's spikes but I haven't played a match in a long time." She said. "Eh? You receive Ushiwaka's serves?" Mao , the ace and vice-captain asked.

"Basically all my life , yeah." She said sighing. "That kinda explains the bruises , huh?" Chizuru , the wing spiker said as she pointed to the bruises in (Y/n)'s arms. 'Well they're better because of the cream that Kageyama gave me...I should thank him later.' She thought and made a mental note to thank the blueberry boy.

"Well , then. Let's get straight to the point. Ushijima (Y/n) , Will you join our volleyball team and give us , the 3rd years an unforgettable memory?" Michimiya grinned while asking. "It kinda sounds like a confession huh..." Manami , the setter , chuckled. 

'I'll be rooting for you.' was what Kageyama said to the girl before she entered the gym. Even though the ravenette did say that he'll be rooting for (y/n) on whatever choice she makes, There's still a hint of encouragement and hope in his tone of voice which clearly made her a bit encouraged to play again.

"I'll do it." She said after a bit of consideration. "Welcome to the team , (Y/n)-chan ! Let's do our best from now on !" Michimiya said while cheering. "Thank you , Michimiya-san."


"Excuse me,"  A low deep voice suddenly said when the girls were cleaning up the gym. "Wakatoshi..." (Y/n) greeted as she walked to her elder sibling. "Eh?  It's Ushijima Wakatoshi !" Mao half-yelled. "Did you leave for practice early?" (Y/n) asked.

"Coach told us to rest early because we have a practice match tomorrow." Ushijima said as the girl hummed in response. "Oh , everyone , this is my brother. Ushijma Wakatoshi." (Y/n) said as she introduced her brother to the whole team. "Hello." The elder greeted as he slightly bowed.

"Ah...Ushijima-san , I didn't mean to bother you but...Can we see (Y/n)-chan receiving your serve? We all really want to see how great (Y/n)-chan is !" Michimiya asked although she's a bit hesitant. "Sure." He nodded as the team cheered quietly. The Ushijimas' went to the net that was about to be taken down and did a few stretches. "Give me your best serve , Ushiwaka-san." (Y/n) smirked. "Don't regret it." He replied back as he took a deep breath.

He threw the ball up high and began to jump high enough before spiking the ball with full strength. (Y/n) analyzed the ball quickly before coming into a receiving position and,

the ball was received with ease and went up high.

"That's so cool and fast..." Nozomi said in awe as her teammates nodded in agreement. "My hands would've break if i received that." Michimiya said as she shuddered at the thought of it. "Sorry , It wasn't strong enough." Ushijima apologized. "I couldn't receive that too well either so it's fair." (Y/n) sighed.

"I-I want to receive that too!" 

"Shut up , dumbass ! I told you to not make a sound !"

"Hinata? and..Kageyama? What are you two doing there?"

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