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"O-oh , Thanks Kageyama." (Y/n) sighed in relief and grabbed a kitchen towel to grab the cup. "Here you go. It's Moo Moo Milk. Warm , Just the way you like it." She chuckled and gave the cup of milk to the ravenette who was drooling over the cup of milk by now. "Thank you , (Y/n)-san." Kageyama smiled and drank the whole milk in a blink.

"Let's go now." Kageyama offered in which the girl agreed to. After putting on their shoes , they grabbed their gym bags and went out to breathe the fresh 6 A.M air. "The last one to arrive to that supermarket will treat meat buns !" (Y/n) laughed and began running in full speed. "Oi ! Not fair !" Kageyama yelled and began running as well.

A few seconds later , (Y/n) ended up losing to Kageyama and mentally cursed his long legs for existing. "Fine , I'll treat you." (Y/n) pouted and rummaged through her gym bag to look for her spare wallet. "No , It's okay. I'll pay , (Y/n)-san." Kageyama pat her head and went to the cashier to order a few of the meat buns and pay it with the money he had left in his pocket.(Since the money in his wallet was finished by Hinata-Boke-Shouyo).

"Thanks , Kageyama." (Y/n) smiled and took the warm meat bun from his hands. The both of them then went out of the supermarket as they eat and walk slowly towards their destination. "Kageyama , How's your wound doing?" The girl asked. "It's okay now." 

"And what did my brother talk to you about last night?" She asked again. The ravenette nearly choked on his meat bun from the sudden question and finally calmed down after (Y/n) offered him some water. "N-nothing. We just went to sleep." Kageyama lied after he calmed down a bit. 


"(Y/n)-san ! Kageyama !" A certain orange haired boy was heard running towards the two. "I'm so glad you guys were okay ! I thought you were gonna die , (Y/n)-san !" Hinata half-yelled. "I'm okay , Hinata thanks to  Kageyama and Tsukkishima." She chuckled. 

"What about me?" Tsukkishima suddenly appeared to the scene. "Oh , Tsukkishima...I just wanted to thank you for yesterday..."(Y/n) bowed gratefully. "Oh , yeah. Just be careful next time." Tsukkishima sighed and went inside to the school building , going to the library to pick up a few books. 

"W-what? I-is he really Tsukkishima?" (Y/n) asked in horror. "Where's the daily insults for us?" Hinata asked in confusion with the same horrified expression. "Just be care..ful n-next time?" Kageyama too said in disbelief. "I think I ate something wrong yesterday. There's no way it's Tsukkishima. Must've been my imagination." (Y/n) said. "Yeah, Let's go...I'm scared." Hinata said and Kageyama nodded as the three of them walk away.

"By the way , (Y/n)-san. I didn't know that the girl's volleyball team holds practice on Saturday." Hinata said. "Oh , I'm practicing on my own." (Y/n) smiled. "Why don't you join our practice?" Kageyama suggested. "Oh yeah ! I'm sure Coach Ukai would be okay about it since you helped us last time too." Hinata agreed. "Is it really okay? I'll only be practicing my sets and receives though." (Y/n) said.

"You can toss to me , (Y/n)-san !" Hinata grinned.


"Excuse me," (y/n) excused herself as she opened the gym door. "(Y/n)-chan !" Nishinoya called out and waved to the girl. "Yuu-senpai !" (Y/n) giggled and waved back. "Nishinoya-san and (Y/n)-san...are you two close?" Hinata asked. "Oh , since we're both Liberos , we exchanged contacts to talk about volleyball sometimes." (Y/n) chuckled. "Yeah ! She even gave me some advice sometimes !" Nishinoya said proudly.

"T-that's so cool ! (Y/n)-san , Can I exchange contacts with you too? Let's talk about volleyball ,(Y/n)-san !" Hinata said excitedly and took out his flip phone. "Sure , Hinata." She smiled and gave her number to Hinata. 

"Good Morning." Sugawara said with a smile after opening the gym door. "Good morning , Sugawara-san." Everyone greeted the third year. "Oh , (Y/n)-san. Are you joining us for practice today?" Sugawara asked as the girl nodded. "Then , can you help receiving a few of my spikes? I'd like to strengthen my spikes for a bit." Sugawara asked nervously. "I don't mind ! Can you help me with my sets too , Sugawara-san?" (Y/n) asked.

"Sets huh...For that , I think you should ask Kageyama instead !" Sugawara grinned widely pointing to the ravenette. "Do you mind , Kageyama?" (Y/n) asked.

"N-no...That sounds n-nice."


"(Y/n)-san ,  your hands are supposed to be like this." Kageyama said as he showed the correct movement to set. "Like this?" She asked trying to copy it. "No , like this." He said and held the girl's hands and moved it the right way.

"Are you sure they're not dating?" Daichi asked Sugawara. "Well , not now at least." The silver haired boy chuckled at the sight of the two first years who don't even realize their own feelings. "They're both to dumb to realize they're own feelings." Sugawara smiled. "But , I bet they're gonna share the sweetest relationship !" Sugawara said confidently. 

"Tsukki , you don't look so good." Yamaguchi said , concerned at the frowning blonde boy. "I don't feel so good either." Tsukkishima said still having the unusual frown on his face. "Do you need to go to the infirmary , Tsukki?" Yamaguchi asked. "I'll just get some fresh air." He replied and stood up , walking outside of the gym. 

'Get yourself together , Kei.' Tsukkishima thought and sighed while looking at the clear blue sky. "What is wrong with me?" He said quietly and looked down to the ground. 

"Tsukkishima-san, are you okay?" (Y/n) asked and crouched down beside him. "I saw you frowning outside and thought that maybe you weren't feeling too well. Here , you can have some water." She smiled and held out a bottle of water. Tsukkishima just looked at her blankly and didn't react one bit , not even taking the water bottle. "Is there something wrong? You aren't yourself today , Tsukkishima-san." (Y/n) asked.

"(Y/n) , do you not remember me at all?" 

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