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"I asked you if you like (Y/n)-san." Kageyama said as he stepped closer to the boy. "It's got nothing to do with you." Tsukkishima glared. "You guys aren't dating anyways. Mind your own business , King" he sighed.

"Don't call me that." Kageyama glared and grabbed Tsukkishima by his collar. "Kageyama ! What's wrong with you ?!" Hinata yelled and tried to pull the taller boy away. "Don't call me that...especially in front of (Y/n)." Kageyama said. Tsukkishima scoffed and pushed Kageyama's hands off of his shirt. "Let's stop this...this is stupid..." Sugawara sighed and put his hands on each of the boys' shoulders.

"C'mon...go back to your classes , okay?" Sugawara smiled. The two boys give each other a final death glare and walked away to their classes in silence. "What's wrong with , Kageyama?" Asahi asked. "Don't know , even if we know that guy,

We can never guess what's he thinking."


"Ushijima , you haven't join a club...are you planning on joining a club soon?" The teacher asked the girl. "...I'm still thinking , sir." (Y/n) said. "Then you'd better join quickly while they're still accepting." The teacher said as the girl nod and excused herself out of the teacher's room.

"Ushijima (Y/n)-san !!!" Someone yelled through the hallways. "Huh?" (Y/n) turned around ,surprised. "I'm Michimiya Yui from class 3-1 !" She greeted. "Oh...nice to meet you...senpai." She bowed. "Please come to our club after school !" She said and handed over a poster. 'Volleyball club...'

"See you later !" She waved and left. "Ah , wait..." She said. But it was to no avail be because the third year was already far gone. "I guess i don't have a choice..." she sighed and walked to her own class 3 minutes before the bell rang.


"Oh , Kageyama ! Are you not going to practice?" Sugawara asked as he spot the ravenette sitting next to the vending machine while drinking his milk. "I'll go soon , Sugawara-san." He said. "You have a lot in mind , huh?" He asked as the boy nodded.

"I don't know why I asked Tsukkishima that question and why I was so mad...I just , don't want to lose (Y/n)-san because she was the only person that cheered me up during middle school and probably the only friend who cared 'bout me back then." He said looking down. "You met her in middle school?" Sugawara asked.

"She cheered me up during my grandpa's funeral." He said as the older hummed in response. "Kageyama , but maybe..." Sugawara smiled and stopped for a while.

"Maybe you like , (Y/n)-san !"

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