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"Welcome...Oh ! (Y/n)-chan. It's been such a long time !" The restaurant owner smiled. "It's good to see you , uncle. Can we have a table please?" (Y/n) asked. "Of course. You can sit right there." He said and pointed to a table near the window. The both of them went to the table and sat down before ordering their desired meals.

"(Y/n)-chan you've grown so much since the last time I saw you ! You even brought your boyfriend now." The wife of the restaurant owner chuckled. "Oh , he's just a friend of mine." (Y/n) chuckled as well. "Oh but you two sure look good together. Well , I should get going now. I'll bring in your meals in a few minutes alright?" She said as both of the students nodded. 

"You seem pretty close the the owner , (Y/n)-san." Kageyama said. "Well yes , My father is really close to the owner since it's his best friend since highschool." She said as the setter nodded. "Kageyama-san , did Wakatoshi really not talk you about anything?" (Y/n) asked with suspicion. The ravenette sweat dropped before finally nodding frantically, which of course made it even more suspicious. "I'd be really upset if you lie to me , Kageyama-san." She said pretending to be upset.

"Well...I guess he did talk about some things." Kageyama looked down in embarrassment. "What did he say?" She asked. "Well he asked how I met you..." He said. "Did he ask anything else?" She asked. "Well...yeah..he also asked if I--"

"Sorry that it took too long. We have a lot of customers coming in. Here are your orders." The previous woman apologized as well as cutting the boy's words. "Oh , Thank you." (Y/n) smiled assuring that it was fine. "Well , Let's enjoy the food first , Kageyama-san." (Y/n) smiled as the setter nodded in relief. 

"Is it good , Kageyama-san ?"

"It's delicious..."


"Thanks for treating me the food , (Y/n)-san." Kageyama thanked as the both of them walked at the side-walk. "Well , you did treat me meat buns earlier so it's no worries !" She chuckled. "After all , I have troubled you a lot of times , Kageyama-san. So I should be thanking you instead." She smiled. "It's nothing , (Y/n)-san." Kageyama smiled back at the girl. Kageyama had decided to walk her home again. Sure , it's safer during the afternoon. But , he couldn't risk it.

"Oh , Kageyama-san. Can we stop by the convenience store for a bit? I just remembered that I need to buy a few things." (Y/n) said as she pointed at the convenience store. "Sure." Kageyama nodded and went inside the store with the girl. "I won't take too long , Kageyama-san." She smiled as the ravenette nodded. While (Y/n) went around the store to look for her groceries , Kageyama got thirsty and went to the dairy aisle to get himself a carton of milk. And of course , (Y/n) too.

"(Y/n)-san ! Look !" Kageyama suddenly went running to the girl like a 5 year old. "What's wrong , Kageyama-san?" She asked worriedly. "Moo moo milk...yoghurts !" He grinned happily as he showed the small sealed cups yoghurts. "Let's get them , Kageyama-san !" She grinned and went to grab a few cups for the both of them. "I'll be buying you these yoghurts this time (Y/n)-san." Kageyama said. "I can pay them, It's faster anyways." (Y/n) said. "I insist." He smiled and took the yoghurts from the basket.

 "Oh well , thanks Kageyama." 


"I'm definitely eating these everyday." (Y/n) smiled happily while eating on the sweet yet sour yoghurt. "Me too." Kageyama nodded while he too , enjoyed the yoghurt. And without realizing , the both of them finally arrived at (Y/n)'s house after finishing the yoghurt. "Well , see you on monday , Kageyama-san." She waved and open the gates of her house. "Wait , (Y/n)-san." Kageyama called out. "Yeah?" She turned around to look at the ravenette. "Ushiwaka-san , asked me one more thing..." Kageyama looked down in embarrassment. "What's that?" 

"He asked me...If I liked you..."

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