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"Huh? Won't I be disrupting practice?" (Y/n) asked worriedly. "Nope ! We have afternoon practice today so we'll all eat together during break time !" Hinata said. "I think you should join us ! (Y/n)-san !"

"Is that okay?" (Y/n) asked for confirmation as the duo nodded. "But , i didn't bring my bento..." she said as she cursed herself for being overly excited and forget her lunch earlier.

"You can have mine." Kageyama suggested as he showed his convenience store bento. "But what'll you eat , Kageyama-san ?You still have afternoon practice..." (Y/n) asked worriedly. "Why don't you guys just share?" Hinata suggested.


"that's not a bad idea , i guess." Kageyama agreed calmly. "You're seriously okay with it?!" (Y/n) asked , surprised. "Yeah, is there something wrong with it?" Kageyama asked. "I guess not , but....nevermind." (Y/n) sighed in defeat.

"Then see you during lunch time !" Hinata said as Kageyama waved along and the both went to their classes. 'I really wanted to say that something's a bit wrong with it but, dang it.' She thought as she went to her own classroom.


"Excuse me," (Y/n) excused as she slid the doors open. "Oh ! (Y/n)-san ! You came !" Hinata waved. "I heard from Hinata that you're having lunch with us. Thanks for the extra company." Sugawara smiled. "Oh no no , i should be thanking you all for letting me eat together with you guys." She chuckled and bowed. "That's fine , come in." Sugawara said as he let the girl come in.

"Kageyama , hello." (Y/n) greeted after she spotted the setter. "Oh , hi." He greeted back and pat the empty wooden floor to signal her to sit next to him. "Here , I have extra chopsticks." He said and handed over the chopsticks which the girl thank the boy for.

"Eh ? Seriously? Kageyama's sharing his bento with a girl? I'm so jealous !" Tanaka whined. "Our Kageyama sure has grown up !" Nishinoya said proudly as he shed imaginary tears with Tanaka.

"She's just sharing with me because Hinata took her portion of cookies." Kageyama said as he pointed to the shorter boy. "I was hungry ! And it looked good !" Hinata defended.

"But still , Kageyama ! Sharing a bento is like a boyfriend and girlfriend thing you know !" Tanaka said. "Ohh i wanna do it with Kiyoko-san !" Nishinoya said as he pictured the scene in his head.

"Is that so?" Kageyama ask as the 2nd years nodded. "Don't you think of how (Y/n)'s feeling too , King?" Tsukkishima suddenly said. "Wouldn't she be uncomfortable sharing a bento with a guy friend?" Tsukkishima smirked. "You can tell us , (y/n)-san , are you uncomfortable?" Tsukkishima asked.

"O-oh , no, i supposed. I feel thankful actually." (Y/n) chuckled nervously. Tsukkishima fell silent and clicked his tongue before he walked away and ate his lunch with Yamaguchi. "Tsukki ! Are you—" "Shut up , Yamaguchi."

"What is this ?! A love triangle?!" Tanaka exclaimed. "I didn't think Tsukkishima can like a girl..." Sugawara said. "Everyone , shut up and go back to your lunches !" Sawamura finally said as the whole team quiet down and went back to eating.

"Sorry , (Y/n)-san, if you feel uncomfortable, I can run to the convenience store right now...though I'll be in a bit of a trouble." Kageyama bowed and think of all sorts of consequences. "N-no ! I'm not uncomfortable, so please don't get yourself in trouble..." (Y/n) assured the setter and begin to eat the bento. "Ah , (Y/n)-san , you have rice over there." He said and pointed to his cheeks to interpret where the rice was. "I must've ate too quickly...thanks for telling me , Kageyama-san." She said as she tried to take the rice grain.

"Oh , not there. Here." He said as he interpret it again. (Y/n) tried to locate it again but failed. "Sorry, let me do it," He said and took a tissue before taking the rice on her cheeks with the tissue. "T-thank you???" (Y/n) said which sounds rather like a question and not like a word. She was a bit flustered and her cheeks flushed red. "Sorry, are you uncomfortable?" Kageyama asked , thinking about Tsukkishima's word just now , he was just scared that the girl might be uncomfortable around him. O-oh! Not at all!" (Y/n) said assuring the ravenette.

"Kageyama you lucky guy..." Tanaka said quietly to Nishinoya. "I feel like the world belongs to those two , damn it...and they're not even dating !" Nishinoya continued.

"Kageyama-san , thank you for sharing your food with me." (Y/n) bowed  once they've finish the bento. She stood up and grab her things as she prepared to leave the gym. "It's okay, (Y/n)-san." Kageyama smiled at the girl. "Please have this as my thank you." She said as she took out a box of moo moo milk. "I'm sorry I've only been giving you this milk...I couldn't think of anything else that you like." (Y/n) said.

"Why are you sorry? This is my favorite drink after all. Thank you , (Y/n)-san." He smiled again and took the milk from the girl's hand. "See you later , Kageyama-san." (Y/n) waved.

"Oh , (Y/n)-san , are you leaving already?" Sugawara asked. "Yeah , I still have some work to do." She said. "Thanks for eating with us." Azumane said. "Thank you for having me." She bowed and walked again.

"Oi idiot wait," Tsukkishima suddenly said. "I'm not an idiot , Saltyshima." (Y/n) sighed and turned to his direction. "What is it?" She asked. "Yamaguchi , give it to me." Tsukkishima whispered to Yamaguchi and took the newly opened onigiri that Yamaguchi was about to eat. "Tsukki...my onigiri..." Yamaguchi whined in which Tsukkishima ignored. Tsukkishima stood up with the onigiri in his hands and walked towards the girl.

"You weren't eating much because you didn't want to trouble the king right?" Tsukkishima asked. "N-no...I wasn't that hungry." She lied. Tsukkishima sighed and hit her head gently. "Ouch—"

"Eat this and grow some brain cells i guess." Tsukkishima said as he put the onigiri on the girl's palm. "Isn't this Yamagu-" "take it." Tsukkishima said. "Tsukkishima ! Don't hit a girl's head like that ! It's not manly !" Tanaka scold. "Like hell I'd care." Tsukkishima clicked his tongue and went back to sit with the whining boy who just got his onigiri stolen.

(Y/n) stood dumbfounded for a while before running out of the gym to her class because she remembered the load of work that she has to do. "See you later everyone !" Was what she said before her steps fade completely.

"Then , we should get going too." Sawamura suggested as everyone began packing their things. "Tsukkishima." Kageyama called as he walked up to him.

"Do you ...like (Y/n)-san?"

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