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"(Y/n)-san , wake up." Kageyama said while shaking the girl who has been sleeping at the cafeteria. "Hm...5 more minutes." She groaned and dug her face deeper into her folded arms. "It's 7:53...We're gonna be late for practice." He said which made the girl sat up straight. "Oh God , I'm such an incompetent manager !" (Y/n) said and ran away. "Thanks for waking me up , Tobio ! I'll be taking a shower now !" She yelled from a distance.

Practice starts at about 8:20 , so she figured that she can shower before practice starts. "Oh , (Y/n) , are you awake now?" Kiyoko said stopping the girl on her tracks. "Yes , I'm really sorry for waking up late.  I know I should've woken up earlier from the others." (Y/n) bowed. "It's okay. You can take a shower first (Y/n)." She smiled as (Y/n) nodded and went to the shower room.


"I'm here..." (Y/n) said opening the gym doors and walked towards the managers. "Did you have enough sleep , (Y/n)-chan?" Kaori giggled. "Yeah , I'm sorry. I was making onigiri with Tobio earlier." She chuckled. "Tobio? I didn't know you were this close with Kageyama." Kiyoko said. "Well , he asked if I was comfortable on calling him by his first name so..." 

"Hm? Are you guys dating?" Yukie teased. "No...at least not yet." She whispered the last part. "Oh my god she said not yet--"

"Hey , everyone. The practice's about to start." Kuroo suddenly cut off Kaori's squealing by clapping twice. "Alright." Everyone said as they began to get ready for the matches. "Come on , let's go." Kiyoko said as the managers nodded.

"Hey hey hey my new disciple !" Bokuto waved at (Y/n). "Bokuto-senpai , hello !" She smiled and waved back. "We're going to practice again later right?" Bokuto asked. "Yes , I will be forever grateful if you teach me again , Bokuto-senpai !" (Y/n) bowed. "Well then , I guess it can't be helped ! I'll help my kouhai since I'm such a cool and nice senpai !" Bokuto said proudly.

"(Y/n)-san , you're really good at flustering Bokuto-san. Thank you." Akaashi bowed thankfully as now he thinks that Bokuto wouldn't go to his emo-mode now that he's more motivated. "Oh , I'm just saying the truth , Akaashi-san." She said. "Everyone here is so nice that I can't help on being thankful. Especially the two of you along with Kuroo-san." She smiled. "I'm glad that we can be a great help." Akaashi smiled back. 

"(Y/n) , can you help grab the towels please?" Kiyoko half yelled from the distance. "Right away ! I'll get going now. See you later , Akaashi-san and Bokuto-senpai." She waved as the both of them waved back. 

After she had taken the towels , she went to watch Nekoma's match with Ubugawa High School. She knew that Karasuno had history with Nekoma and she wanted to help Karasuno out by analyzing Nekoma's strategies and their team play. Well , it was also great to her as she could learn as well.

"What are you writing , (Y/n)-san?" Kageyama suddenly asked. "Oh , I'm analyzing Nekoma's play. I thought that maybe it could be a good use for us." She said , not looking away from the book and the match. "You've managed to note this much? That's amazing..." He said , amazed. "It's nothing really..." She chuckled , flustered at the sudden compliment. 

"I've actually been taking notes about Nekoma's setter. He's really a genius setter. He might be a good rival for you , Tobio-kun." She giggled. "Yeah. Everyone here is good at their positions." He nodded , agreeing at the girl. "That's why I made you this list. I think you can use it to discuss it with the whole team since you all have been lacking some strategies." (Y/n) said after handing a piece of paper that she had ripped from her notebook.

"I wrote down the meaning of the hand signals that the setter was giving and also the sets that he was playing out. He's pretty amazing." She said as Kageyama read the piece of paper. It was easy to understand and written in simple words which made the ravenette happy as he's not good at defining difficult words. "I'll put this in good use , (Y/n)-san. Thank yo--"

"Hey , Watch out for the ball !"

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