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"Hey , Watch out for the ball !" 

"Huh?" (Y/n) turned to the voice to see a volleyball flying straight to her. 'I'm going to die.' She thought as she closed her eyes , waiting for the impact. But it never came. "Oi , you guys okay?" Yaku asked as he walked towards the both. "We're fine." Kageyama said and gave the ball back to Yaku.

"Are you okay? Did you get hurt?" Kageyama asked (Y/n) worriedly. "I'm okay. The ball didn't even get to me. Did you dodge it?" (Y/n) asked as Kageyama nodded. "Thanks a bunch !" She smiled. "It's fine , I don't want you to get hurt again--"

"Kageyama ! Come stretch we're going to start soon !" Hinata suddenly called out , earning a nod from the ravenette. "I'll get going now. You can stay here. I'll tell Shimizu-senpai that you're watching them." He smiled , standing up from the bench. "Tobio-kun , wait." She said holding the boy's wrist.

"Yes?" He asked turning around to face her. She hesitated at first but finally gathered up the courage to hug him. "Thank you for always protecting me..." She whispered , smiling. "Yeah..." He whispered back and hugged her back. They stayed like that for a while before finally pulling away and waving at each other.

"Oh no Kuroo , Looks like Karasuno's setter got ahead of you." 

"Shut up , at least I don't lack Docosahexaenoic Acid like you , Yaku."

"What'd you say?!"


"(Y/n)-san , It's break time. Let's go and eat." Kiyoko said as she walked to (Y/n). "Oh sure , I'm going to give some onigiris too." She smiled and walked with Kiyoko. "Um...Actually (Y/n)-san , They've all been eating out your onigiris. Look." Kiyoko pointed out to almost everyone in the cafeteria who has been fighting over the onigiris for the past 10 minutes.

"Kubro , You're my best bro and all but this onigiri is mine." Bokuto said as he took the mini onigiri in his hands. "Brokuto , I love you but my love for onigiri is bigger. So please hand it over." He said trying to take away the onigiri from the other guy. "(Y/n)-san , please forgive them. They've been like this for 8 minutes straight." Akaashi sighed but gave up trying to stop the both of them who caused most of the chaos.

"I'm glad that everyone likes it. I'll be sure to make some more the next time we meet !" (Y/n) grinned as Akaashi nodded while smiling. "(Y/n)-san , can I have a carton of milk?" A deep voice suddenly asked from behind the girl. "Yeah , you can. I'll be right back !" She nodded and went to the fridge to get it.

"So , "Tobio-kun" , What's going on between you and that cute Sub Manager of yours?" Kuroo grinned while patting the ravenette's back. "I'm sorry , Kuroo-san , I'm not sure if I understand what you mean." Kageyama said in confusion. "I'm asking if you're both dating Tobio-kun." He laughed.

"Dating? O-oh...Not yet." Kageyama shook his head. "Well , you better grab her fast. Or maybe I'm going to steal your dearest (Y/n)-chan." Kuroo said as he walked over to (Y/n) who is now walking back towards Kageyama with a carton of milk.

"Hey , (Y/n)-chan. Can I have your number please?" Kuroo asked. "Uhm...well that--" 

"Kuroo Tetsurou," A deep menacing voice suddenly called out. Kuroo turned around to see Kageyama behind him , holding up his phone for Kuroo to see. "Hands off my sister," The voice said as Kuroo widened his eyes seeing the contact name.

"Or you'll never see a day where you can play volleyball ever again." 'Wakatoshi' said in a serious tone at the other side of the phone.



The summer camp went well , except for Kuroo who was traumatized , but yes , it went well. And as it came to an end , Everyone said their goodbyes and went back to Karasuno to practice for the upcoming official match.

And not long after that ,

The Inter-high came up.

And it was almost time , 

For them to know their answers.


Hmm I think I faintly smell an ending. Yes i do...But man , words cannot describe on how much I want to write an IwaOi fanfic.

Would you like me to make one? 

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