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"Kageyama , Where have you been? We've been searching for you everywhere." Sugawara scolded the ravenette once he finally saw him. "Well...I had something important to do." Kageyama smiled. "Hm..? And does that thing includes (Y/n)?" Nishinoya asked.

"How did you find out?"

"She's literally beside you."


"Well , aren't you going to explain what was so important?" Daichi asked suspiciously. "Uh...well truth is--"

"We're dating." (Y/n) cut off Kageyama as she lifted both hers and Kageyama's hands which were intertwined together. "My God finally !" Tanaka said happily. "I thought I was going to get old before you both starts dating." Ennoshita sighed. " Congratulations Kageyama , you finally figured it out." Sugawara showed him a thumbs up.

"You're great too (Y/n) for figuring out." Sugawara chuckled as he pat the couple's heads. "You both have my blessing !" Sugwara smiled.

"What? Are you their mom or something?" Tsukkishima laughed silently.



"They don't call me Sugamama for no reason Tsukkishima. You're my child too , come here." Sugawara teased as he tried to hug the blonde. "Get off of me--" Tsukkishima grunted. The whole team laughed at the two as (Y/n) and Kageyama smiled.

"I love you."

"You said that 3 minutes ago , Tobio."

"I know , I just wanted to remind you that incase you forget."

"You dork , I love you too."



Alright , here's the epilogue that I promised :)

So before finally ending the book , I'm sorry that this book is kinda sped up on the ending , I seriously had no more idea on what to write. But to make it up for you , especially for my IwaOi stan out there ;

 But to make it up for you , especially for my IwaOi stan out there ;

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The IwaOi fanfic is out ;)

and its Angst.

I know you guys like gay and angst ;) don't hide it.

So yeah , if you're interested please read it !

Bye !


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