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"Sugawara-san, i kinda need your help..." Kageyama stuttered as he walked towards his senior during practice. "Sure , what's up , Kageyama?" Sugawara smiled but stopped when he saw the younger's baffled expression.

"Are you okay?" Sugawara asked. "Well, yes and no...It's just that I need your advice and something." Kageyama said nervously. "...Go on?" 

"You see, me and (Y/n) has been dating for months now, and I kinda want to make a big step in our relationship..." 

"That is...?"

"I want to kiss her..."


"ARE YOU SERIOUS?!" Nishinoya laughed at the ravenette. They were at the boy's locker room now and turns out, Sugawara told the others about Kageyama's "concern".

"It's alright, Kageyama. I , the greatest senpai in the world , Tanaka Ryunosuke Senpai, will teach you how to smooch !" Tanaka said proudly while spinning around his sweaty gym shirt. "Please stop spinning around your shirt, it's disgusting." Tsukkishima said in disgust. "And beside, you've never kissed before, Tanaka." Sugawara chuckled making Tanaka sulk in the corner.

"Anyways, my only advice for you is to just go with the flow , Kageyama." Daichi advised as Asahi nodded in agreement. "Just grasp the right timing and moment and you'll be just fine !" Hinata grinned. 

"And how would you know, Shrimpy ?" Tsukkishima snickered. 

"I read it from a manga and it says so."

"You should focus more on your studies , rather on mangas. Your brain might shrink again."

"That's mean , Tsukkishima !"


The next day , Kageyama decided that this was the day he'll do it. His teammates weren't very helpful because they ended up fighting on who's brain is bigger, and romance mangas were just too much for him. So he decided to just do it because it's now or never.

"Oh , hey. How did your class go?" (Y/n) smiled and hugged her boyfriend. Hugging was a normal thing for them now even though it took a while to get used to it in the first month of their relationship. Regardless, they were now comfortable with hugging each other even in public.

"Of course it wasn't great. What do you expect , (Y/n)?" Kageyama chuckled while hugging her back. 

"I miss you, school was tough today." (Y/n) groaned. "Then, let's go somewhere. I have a place that I want to visit with you." Kageyama smiled. "Where?"

"You'll know once we get there."


"Isn't this where we first met?" (Y/n) chuckled. "Yeah, you're right. Come sit, I brought us a few snacks." Kageyama said as he sat down. "What made you decide to come here?" 

"U-uh...I just wanted to relive some of our memories." He smiled nervously. "You chose the right spot, It's a great weather today." (Y/n) smiled back as she munched on the snack that Kageyama brought. 

"You should eat slowly. The crumbs are getting all over your lips." Kageyama laughed as he grabbed a tissue and started wiping the crumbs off. "It's not my fault they're so good." She chuckled.

Kageyama may seem calm , but he was actually so nervous that he thought that he might piss himself right there and then. He kept glancing at (Y/n)'s lips and he kept on thinking if it was the right moment or not, if she would like it or not , and so on.

and then finally,

he thought,

fuck it.

"(y/n), can I kiss you?" He asked abruptly after wiping of the crumbs. "W-what?" She asked in a surprised tone. Kageyama leaned in closer and finally whispered once again,

"Can I kiss you, (Y/n)?" 

"...Yes" She smiled and Kageyama took the moment to capture her lips onto his and went with the flow, just as how his teammates advised. It was short but sweet, steady and sure. 

It was perfect.

"THEY DID IT OH MY GOD" a voice screamed in extreme happiness. "Nishinoya shut up !" Another voice scolded. The couple pulled away from the kiss and finally saw both of their teammates hiding behind a bush , grinning from ear to ear.

"Why are you guys here?" (Y/n) asked.

"We need tea, sis." Nishinoya and Tanaka grinned.




I know I promised a bonus chapter a long time ago, but I was busy with my online school and I wasn't at my best condition. (I'm fine now !)

 I can't believe we're almost at 200k !

Thank you guys so much for all the love and support !

Here's the smooch that y'all have been wanting since forever 😂 and I'm sorry that my writing skills are a bit rusty. I haven't written anything in a while now :,)

anyways, I hope you guys are healthy and well !


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