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"It's just that...you're a really good Libero a-and—" "that time..." (y/n) cut his sentence. "In that one set , That i was in,

I couldn't receive any of it."


"Hey look , isn't that Shiratorizawa's Libero ? I heard she's Ushijima's little sister." A guys muttered. "I heard she couldn't receive any of the balls on one set ! Is she really Usijima Wakatoshi's little sister?"  The other guy said. It was the third year's last match and they lost. It's not a common thing that Shiratorizawa losts whether it's the girl's team or the boy's.

"I-i'm so sorry..." (y/n) apologized while walking out with her teammates. "I don't know what's wrong with you today , (y/n)-san. We should've win today you know ?"  One of her teammates sighed. "Hey , don't be so hard on her...she did great on the first anyways." Her other teammate reassure. Though there was still a hint of disappointment in her voice.

"(Y/n)." A sudden voice called. That deep strong voice that everybody knew which belongs to the one and only. "Brother..." (y/n) said with her head hung low. "Next year , if you can't do well,

You can just quit volleyball."


"I haven't had a proper conversation with my brother since then...I actually miss him a bit, you know..." she said with a sad look. "No , maybe i miss him a lot." She said as a tear went down her cheeks. Kageyama froze, he wasn't the best at comforting people, especially girls.

"A tissue, here tissue. It's clean." He said and took out the tissue from his pocket that he forgotten about. "Thank you Kageyama-san. Sorry , I must've made the atmosphere a bit awkward." (Y/n) chuckled. Kageyama shook his head no and thought of a right word to say next, specifically so he can comfort the girl in front of him since she did comfort him last time.

"-here..." Kageyama suddenly said as he handed over a lollipop. "I brought it from home this morning...I haven't gotten a chance to eat it , so you can have it." Kageyama handed the lollipop to her while looking away.

'He's blushing a bit...he must've been embarrassed.' (Y/n) thought as she chuckled.

"Thank you , Kageyama-san, I appreciate it."


"I should get going now, thank you for accompanying me. Tell the others that I'm super happy to have met them too." (Y/n) bowed as she smiled. "Thank you for teaching some of us to receive too, it's very use-"

"(Y/n)." A voice suddenly appeared. The both of them looked to the voice's direction and widened their eyes. "B-brother..." (Y/n) stuttered. "....and Kageyama Tobio." Ushijima continued.

"Good morning." Kageyama bowed. "What are you doing here with Kageyama Tobio?" Ushijima ignored Kageyama and asked his little sister. "I went to get some stuff that i left yesterday."

"Let's go home. Nothing will come out when you hang out with him." Ushijima said as he held (Y/n)'s wrist tightly making the girl wince in pain. "You're hurting her-"

"Kageyama Tobio , don't get close to my sister just so you can go to Shiratorizawa." Ushijima warned with his cold eyes visible. After that small warning , the Ushijimas' walked away as if going without returning at all.

"See you on monday , Kageyama-san."

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