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"He asked me...If I liked you..."

Those words lingered inside her head for God knows how long. (Y/n) never reacted to Kageyama's words back then but instead ran inside her house , leaving a very flustered ravenette outside. And because she ran away a second after Kageyama said those words , now she has to think of a way to face Kageyama normally.

"I'm home." Wakatoshi interrupted his sister's thought. "Have you taken a shower? You kinda smell , (Y/n)." Wakatoshi pointed out as he put down his gym bag. "Wakatoshi , please don't ask my friend any weird questions next time." (Y/n) warned. "Please tell me in detail what are weird questions." He said and sat down at the sofa next to his sister.

"You know exactly what I mean." (Y/n) forced a smile. "...I was just making sure my little sister are friends with the right person." Wakatoshi gave in and laughed sheepishly. "I'm definitely going to tell everyone that you have a thing for Tendou-senpai." (Y/n) smirked and took out her phone from her pocket.

"No , I don't."

"Yes , you do."

"Prove it." Wakatoshi demanded. (Y/n) smiled and took out a notebook from her bag and began flipping the pages. "Dear diary , today Tendou and I--" "You have made your point. Please stop reading." Wakatoshi sighed in defeat. "Well then , what did Kageyama-san answer ?" (Y/n) asked curiously. "That's a secret." Wakatoshi said and stood up from the sofa. "I'm going to take a shower."

"Wait no , this conversation isn't finished !"

"It is , (Y/n). I just said that I'm going to take a shower and therefore I am ending the conversation."

"Okay , you know what? Fine , you can take a shower , Moojima."

"(Y/n) , we share the same last name--"

"Shut up !" (Y/n) said and threw a pillow towards his direction.


After a weekend full of frustration and thoughts , (Y/n) finally decided to just act as if nothing has ever happened. And If Kageyama ever brought out the topic , She's going to say sorry for leaving him outside and make sure that they will act out as if nothing had ever happened. 

"Bye Wakatoshi." (Y/n) waved at his brother after they arrived at Karasuno. "This time , please call me if anything ever happens." Wakatoshi said seriously. "I will." She chuckled and walked inside the school gates. 

"Oh , (Y/n)-san !" An orange headed boy waved at her direction. "Hinata-san ! You're here early !" She smiled after walking towards the boy. "Yeah  I'm waiting for Kageyama. He's not as early as usual today. I'm not sure why though..." Hinata said. "Are you planning to wait for him , Hinata-san?" (Y/n) asked as the boy nodded. "I'll wait with you. Here , have a yoghurt." She said and handed out a cup of yoghurt that she and Kageyama bought at Saturday. "Thank you , (Y/n)-san !" He smiled widely and began to eat the yoghurt happily.

"Oh , (Y/n)-san , Hinata...Good morning." A boy suddenly greeted. "Oh good morning , Kageyama-san." She greeted back. "Kageyama , are you okay? You don't look very energetic today." Hinata claimed. "I'm fine." He replied. "Do you want a cup of yoghurt?" (Y/n) asked as she took out another cup of yoghurt and offered it to the ravenette in which he nodded to.

"Kageyama , are you sure you're okay? You're pale..." (Y/n) asked worriedly. "(Y/n)-san , I'm fine. Let's go inside now." Kageyama assured and walked ahead of the two. 

"Hinata , I don't think he's feeling well."


***Break Time***

"Excuse me , Have you seen Kageyama-san ?" (Y/n) asked one of Kageyama's classmate. "Oh he's sleeping right there." His classmate pointed out to a ravenette who's sleeping at the back of the class. (Y/n) thanked Kageyama's classmate and walked to Kageyama's desk to make sure he's okay. 

"Kageyama-san...wake up." She said and shake him up a bit. "I bought you some meat buns from the cafeteria...and I also have a carton of milk right here." She said quietly , though making sure that he heard her words. 

"(Y/n)-san..." He finally opened his eyes and sat up straight. "Are you okay? Do you need to go to the infirmary?" (Y/n) asked. "I'm fine." He said.  But (Y/n) didn't bother to listen to his 'I'm fine' and went to check if he's fine or not by checking the heat of his forehead with her hand. "You have a fever , Kageyama ! Come on , I'll take you to the infirmary okay?" She said as the boy finally nodded , seeing that he doesn't have much choice.

"Here , you should eat the meat buns while it's still warm." (Y/n) handed over the meat buns once they arrive at the infirmary. "Thank you , (Y/n)-san." He said and began to eat the meat buns. "Why didn't you tell me you have a fever? You could've texted me." (Y/n) frowned. "I didn't want to burden you. It was Sunday." He said. 

"Kageyama , you don't bother me at all." (Y/n) chuckled. "We're friends , right? We should help each other when in trouble." She said. 

"(Y/n)-san....Do you like me?" Kageyama asked out of the blue. "Eh? W-well of course as a friend !" She replied. "I mean romantically." He chuckled. "I-I'm not sure. I never liked a boy in that way before so I don't know how to answer that question since I'm very unaware of romantic feelings." She said.

"I don't know how to answer your brother's question either...but , please give me more time. At least , until the end of the Inter high. I want to be able to answer that question properly as well." Kageyama said making the girl look at him in surprise. "Then , Kageyama-san...let's have our answers by the end of the Inter high , okay?" (Y/n) smiled as the boy nodded.

"Let's win the match and have our answers."

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