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"Do i really have to go?" (Y/n) whined. "Yes." Wakatoshi replied shortly. It was sunday and Wakatoshi had dragged his little sister to Shiratorizawa's gym to practice. Wakatoshi had the key so he was free to come over whenever he wants.

"I've never agreed to thi-"

"(Y/n)." Wakatoshi said after going to a full stop. "Please , give me a chance to fix things for you." He said. His eyes were dead serious but hopeful at the same time. She had never seen her brother like this before.



Once they arrived at the gym , Wakatoshi opened the door with the right key and walked inside. "It's been such a while huh..." (y/n) thought and smiled as the nostalgic feeling came back to her.

"I'll do 100 serves and you'll receive it." Wakatoshi said as he changed into his volleyball shoes. "What? Are you planning to break my arms?" (Y/n) asked in surprise. "They're not going to break." He said frankly.

"It's just a parable..." (y/n) chuckled as she too got ready and put on her shoes. "If you're going to practice your serves , why don't you just call one of your teammates?" The girl sighed.

"Because no one can receive my serves just as good as you." He said and put on a slight smile. "Guess that's true..." (y/n) laughed.


"I don't think i can do it anymore...my arms are really going to break." (Y/n) panted while she laid down on the wooden floor. "There's still 30 more to go." Wakatoshi pointed out.

"I'm good...I'll just go home on my own. Call me when you decide to come home." (Y/n) said as she stood up and took her gym bag with her. She went outside and made sure to close the door behind her. "My arms hurt...i should get a cold drink from the convenience store." she thought as she walked away and try to find the nearest store.

"Welcome." The cashier greeted as (y/n) bowed. "Where can i get the cold drinks?" She asked the cashier. "It's right there." The cashier replied while pointing out to the refrigerator full of drinks. She thanked the cashier and went to get a cold water because it was the cheapest option.

"(Y/n)-san?" A voice suddenly greeted. (Y/n) turned to her side only to see a ravenette holding a few items on his hands. "Kageyama-san , what a coincidence." (Y/n) smiled as the boy nodded. "What are you doing ? The sun is gonna set soon." He asked with a tint of worry in his voice.

"Wakatoshi asked me to receive some of his serves. I couldn't receive it anymore so I decided to go home. But I had to get a cold drink for this..." (y/n) said and showed a few bruises showing on her arms. "How many serves did he do?"

"70. But I'm pretty sure he's going to do more." (Y/n) sighed. "You're amazing...(y/n)-san..." Kageyama said with a look of respect. "Thank you." (Y/n) laughed. "Then I'm going to pay up before it gets late. See you at school , Kageyama-san." She waved.

"Wait , (y/n)-san."


"I'll accompany you home. The sun's setting already, it might be dangerous." Kageyama said. "Are you okay with that?" She asked as the boy nod. "Then I'll pay my things. Are you getting anything , Kageyama-san? I'll treat you." She said. "Yeah but, it's okay. It's my sister's so I'll pay it by myself." He declined as she nodded. Soon enough , the both got out of the store and walked side by side.

"I think...I'm going go play volleyball again." (Y/n) said with a small smile. "Really ? I'm sure you'll do well , (y/n)-san !" Kageyama encouraged.

'He sure does get excited on things that he likes.' (Y/n) chuckled at the thought.

"Thank you , I'm sure you'll do great in the future too , Kageyama-san. I think you'll even go to the nationals." She grinned. "I-I'll try my best and win." He said trying to show his confidence. "Yeah , do your best , Kageyama-san." She chuckled.

"By the way , we haven't exchanged numbers." (Y/n) said looking through her phone. "Can I have your number , Kageyama-san?" She asked. Once again , the boy didn't know how to respond. Sure he exchanged a lot of phone numbers with a lot of volleyball players. But , none of them were girls and (Y/n) was the first one to ask.

"It's okay if you don-" "I-I don't mind." He cut off and took out his phone as well. They both exchanged phones to type in each other's phone number and returned them once they've written their contact names.

"This is my house." (Y/n) said a few seconds after they returned each other's phone. "Thank you for accompanying me back home , Kageyama-san. I've troubled you so much." She bowed. "Ah no , it's fine." He said.

"I'll go inside now. You should hurry back before it gets too late." She said as the boy nodded. "See you on monda-" "oh , wait a minute , (y/n)-san."


"Those bruises on your arms looks painful so here's a cream that I use for my bruises. It's very helpful." He said after rummaging through his gym bag and giving the tube of cream to the girl's hands. "And here..." He said as he took out a small carton of moo moo milk.

"It's...a gift. Make sure you warm it up before drinking. I've always seen you drink it cold so I want you to try it while it's warm too." He said while looking away with his face flushing red.

"Kageyama...thank you for being thoughtful of me." (Y/n) bowed as she took the friendly gift. "Tell me once you arrive home." She smiled at the boy. "Yeah, okay." He returned the smile and waved the girl good bye before he left.

Once (y/n) made sure that he's safe and out of sight, she went inside herself and began heating up the milk after pouring it into a glass and out it in the microwave.

"It's good..." she thought after taking a sip of it. But it wasn't just the warm milk that made it good. Just the thought of Kageyama , the well-known king of the court who has a cold heart just gave her a gift , just makes the milk even more special.

Kageyama Tobio
Have you tried the warm milk?

"Ah right , i gave Kageyama my number..." (y/n) thought as she opened the message and began typing a reply.

Ushijima (Y/N)
I have. It tastes different from how it usually is. It's delicious. Thanks for the milk , Kageyama-san. Have you arrived safely?
Kageyama Tobio
I'm glad you liked it. Yes , I have. Thanks for asking.
Kageyama Tobio
I'm going to shower now , good bye (y/n)-san.
Ushijima (Y/N)
Okay. Thanks for today , Kageyama-san.
— — END OF CHAT— —

"I'll be sure to return your gift , Kageyama-san."

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