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"Remember you? What do you mean?" (Y/n) tilted her head in confusion. "Don't you remember me at all , from the past?" He asked with a tint of hope in his face. The girl thought about it for a while before finally shaking her head no. "Forget it. There's no point of saying if you don't remember it." He sighed and stood up.

"Wait , Tsukkishima ! Tell me." (Y/n) demanded. "No. It was a long time ago anyways." He said. "Pleasee, If you don't tell me , I don't think I can sleep well tonight." She begged. Tsukkishima fell silent before finally sitting down again and sighed. 

"We were at kindergarten at that time..."


"Brother , I don't want to go inside..." Tsukkishima said quietly as he hid behind his older brother , scared at the sight of the loud kids. "Kei , You have to. You'll meet new friends that can even play volleyball !" His brother said trying to convince the younger. "No ! I don't need new friends , I want to be with brother and read books about dinosaurs together !" He whined. "Kei , You need to go in before you're late--"

"Wah...You're tall !" A girl said suddenly in admiration. The two boys looked to where the voice was coming from and saw a small girl , carrying a bag which was probably bigger than her. "What's your name? I'm Ushijima (Y/n) !" She grinned. "T-Tsukkishima Kei..." He said quietly gripping the hem of his brother's shirt more tightly.

"Tsukkishima , Do you want an onigiri?" She asked. "Let's be friends and share the ongiris together !" She grinned happily as she opened her lunch box. "Can I..?" He asked as the girl nodded enthusiastically. "See ? You made your first friend , Kei. Now you can walk to class together !" Tsukkishima's brother said. "Yeah..." The younger boy agreed.

"This is your Onigiri , Tsukkishima-san ! My grandma made it !" (Y/n) said and handed out an onigiri. "Thank you , (Y/n)-san." He bowed and took the onigiri from the girl before taking a bite.

"It's good !"


"And ever since then you would always protect me." He said after finishing his story. "I guess you wouldn't remember. It's been such a long time anyway." He sighed deeply before standing up. "I remember , Tsukkishima-san." She smiled. "I couldn't remember you at all since you're such a salty person now." She laughed. "I didn't choose to be salty. Everyone's just annoying." He scoffed.

"That's salty !" She complained while whining. "But you know Tsukkishima,"

"At that time when you moved schools, I couldn't sleep at all. I wouldn't stop crying and Wakatoshi would be so confused on how to stop me from crying." She laughed as she reminisced the past. "I'm not even surprised since you would cry even while telling off those bullies." He teased. "I-I was scared ! And you were a wimp too !" She defended.

"I'm not anymore now." He said. "But,  you are a wimp now so , I'm returning the favor by protecting you this time." Tsukkishima said in embarrassment. (Y/n) grew quiet before finally smiling at the used-to-be-a-wimpy-kid. 

"Yeah, thanks." 


"Good job everyone." Coach Ukai said as he prepared to get out of the gym. "Thanks , coach." Everyone bowed as they too prepare to leave. "Oh , (Y/n) and Kageyama. I'd like to talk to you guys for a bit." Ukai said as the both looked at each other and nodded as they went outside with the coach.

"So , first of all. I'm sorry." Ukai bowed. "Eh ? For what?" (Y/n) asked in confusion. "I shouldn't have let a boy and a girl , let alone teenagers, sleep at the same house." Ukai said embarrassed. "B-but , nothing happened right?!" He asked hopefully.

"Oh, It's fine Coach. I slept with Ushijima's big brother , Ushijima Wakatoshi." Kageyama assured. "Oh really? I'm glad." The coach sighed in relief. "Oh and (Y/n), Here you go." Coach Ukai said after pulling something out from his bag.

"The police found the culprit and they found your wallet as well. I gave Tsukkishima's wallet earlier so this must be yours." Coach Ukai said , handing over the wallet. It was in perfect condition and the money wasn't taken as well. 

"Thank you so much , Coach." She bowed and put her wallet back to her gym bag. "And Kageyama, How are your wounds?" Coach Ukai asked. "They're okay now." He said as the coach nodded and excused himself so he could go back to the supermarket.

"(Y/n)-san, I'll walk you home." Kageyama said. "Is that okay?" She asked as he nodded. "Then, I'll treat you lunch first to celebrate the return of my wallet." She smiled and grabbed the setter's hand while walking to the curry restaurant nearby. 

"(Y/n)-san , you seem to be close to Tsukkishima." Kageyama claimed as they walked together. "Well , I just found out that he used to be my friend in Kindergarten." She said. "Did you saw us earlier?" She asked. "I just happened to pass by when I was about to buy a carton of milk." He said. "I see..."

"Oh , we're here !" She exclaimed once stopping in front of the old curry restaurant. "My dad used to take Wakatoshi and I to this restaurant every week. I hope you like curry , Kageyama-san." She smiled. "I love curry..." He said as his stomach grumbled at the smell of curry.

"Then let's go in and eat."

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