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"Kageyama Tobio , did you cook this meal?" Wakatoshi asked. "I helped (Y/n)-san on preparing it. (Y/n)-san did most of the work though." Kageyama said as he ate his own meal. "This is good. Thank you for the meal." Wakatoshi said as he too , ate his meal happily. "Oh right Kageyama, I've already prepared a room for you so you can rest after dinner." (Y/n) said after she finished eating. "No," Wakatoshi said sternly. "He's sleeping with me." 



"I know that you're a good friend of my sister but , please understand that I don't want you to do 'weird things' to her." Wakatoshi said , sitting down on his bed with his arms crossed. "I understand." Kageyama nodded. "Now , would you mind if I ask a few questions about yourself ?" Wakatoshi asked. "not at all." Kageyama shook his head.

"How and when did you meet my sister?"

"She approached me during my grandfather's funeral. It happened during middle school."

"Why did she approach you?"

"She was trying to cheer me up and she gave me a carton of milk as well."

"Why did you befriend her?"

"Because she's nice and also a caring person."

"Lastly , do you like my sister?"

Kageyama's heart skipped a beat at the question. He , a 15 year old teenager , with a great experience in volleyball , has never even thought of liking a girl before as he had always thought that his soulmate is the volleyball itself. Sugawara did say to him that liking someone means that he's happy to see the person he likes and he'll get this warm feeling once he sees that person. But were those conditions met with (Y/n)? He wouldn't say it was a straight up no. After all , he got mad at Tsukkishima last time for a reason that he still didn't know until this day. 

"Ushiwaka-san, to be honest, I still don't know. A senior of mine did say that I probably like her but I'm very unfamiliar with these type of things." Kageyama said nervously. "I see...then you don't have to answer it now." Wakatoshi smiled. "But I hope I will get an answer to that question soon , Kageyama Tobio."

"Same here."

*** The Next Day ****

"Oh , Kageyama , you're awake." (Y/n) smiled while drinking her warm milk. "Yes , you're up early...(Y/n)-san. It's saturday as well." Kageyama sat down next to her. "I'm going for a morning jog soon before I go to volleyball practice. How about you?" (Y/n) asked. "Same here."

"Then , let's go together. Do you want a warm cup of milk?" She asked as Kageyama nodded excitedly. "Wait here." She stood up and walked to the refrigerator to get the milk and warm it up. '(Y/n)-san...is quite good looking.' He thought as he admired the girl who was now waiting for the milk while watching the cup of milk spinning around inside the microwave. A few minutes later, The microwave dinged signaling that the milk was warm. (Y/n) opened the microwave to take the cup from inside but , a hand stopped her hands by holding it gently.

"(Y/n)-san. Please don't take the cup bare handed. You're going to burn yourself."

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